10.2 wallpaper


Charlie Brown
Hey, I'm not sure if any of you guys are running a newer 10.2 build, but if you are, could you send me the full picture of the new default desktop, I want to start using it now... heheheh I can't wait for jaguar! Thanks...if you have it send it to langer320@mac.com thanks again -Ry
... and I think we're all a bit curious to see what it is... I don't suppose someone could post it here so we could all have a looksee?
Here it is:


I was wondering that too, but I sent it anyway.:D

I thought maybe he wasn't on his own computer or something.
you're absolutely right and I apologize for my ignorance. I was raise a PeeCee boy. I've been in "recovery" for a year now. Desktop is such a better word anyway.

p.s. I've been starting at the marine aquarium screen saver with the sound turned on, and it's gotta be the cheapest and coolest alternative around to actually buying fish. I am going to leave it on for like 20 mins and fall asleep to it tonight. haha -Ry
just 'desktop' or 'desktop image'

seriously neyo, wallpaper is a pc term and has never been used by mac users. i remember the first time i saw the term 'wallpaper' and wondered what it was. it's just one of those semantic differences between mac and pc. like 'drivers' and 'extensions'. i'll admit it saddens me that with more people 'switching', more pc lingo is becoming common place when talking about the mac. If you're going to switch, switch languages too.:D
Not 100% correct Ed...actuallymost OS X site use wallapaper... i mean is not a mac term...but it is still correct to say that it is a wallpaper, mac user tent to ferget that a mac is a computer and all computer tems apply to them.....
Mac OS X also is not a full MAC OS... but as we all know it is a UNIX flavour so i believe it is totally different and we cannot apply OS 9 conventions to X.

Mac OS X in fact has DRIVERS for cameras scanners etc... and also files extensions....to name few ... .doc .tar .gz and so on.. so see ... these are all new things to MAC OS ...cause X is a UniX Flavour :)

Just my 2 cents
well, "wallpaper" is one of the terms i hope never catches on with mac users!! it is simply too pc for me. :mad:

i would also refer you to your desktop system pref. no where does it use the word wallpaper - just 'images'.

and i think you are getting file extensions mixed up with system extensions BBenve. Mac still has system extensions in os x, we still don't have drivers. the only reason they get called drivers is because people coming from other platforms have always called them that. and companies that mostly cater to pc users have a tendency to call them that as well. i will admit i fall into that trap sometimes myself.

in fact, and i am not 100% sure about this, but i believe the unix versions of them are called 'kernal extensions'.

i can accept drivers though. but we don't need no stinking wallpaper on a mac. :D

unless of course you want to spice that tower cover up a bit. :p
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell

and i think you are getting file extensions mixed up with system extensions BBenve. Mac still has system extensions in os x, we still don't have drivers. the only reason they get called drivers is because people coming from other platforms have always called them that.

Out of a Apple ADC mailing:

...which enables you to create MacOS X Kext (kernel)
drivers for PCI.
So, even Apple calls them drivers! ;)
We sure have drivers on OS X nd we got also a dload page for them INSIDE the apple page

Ed i see your point...but we (mac users) should not be that hard on PC users.. i mean they re switching...it it help to use WALLAPAER...well that is a good thing..they will learn to think different...let's not be that hard on a word choice :)
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
well, "wallpaper" is one of the terms i hope never catches on with mac users!! it is simply too pc for me. :mad:

that sounds pretty elitist. there are worse things out there, don't let something like this bother you.
It's not that it's a PC term, it's that it's a Windows term. The first time I heard the term "Wallpaper" in reference to the Desktop Picture/Pattern was when hearing about Windows. I will always use Desktop Pictures, which makes more sense because one's desktop tends not to be a wall, and both terms are trying to describe a picture that covers your desktop.
oh boy ... here we go again. :rolleyes:

Ed was just saying that Mac users typically don't say wallpaper when they mean desktop or background. He's not trying to be an elitest a-hole, he's just pointing it out.

"drivers"? Yes, that is a Mac term. Drivers are things that allow third-party peripherals to work with a Mac (or any computer for that matter). You get drivers for your CD burner, FireWire hard drive, mouse (yes, mice too), etc.

But "wallpaper"..? Excuse me, but if I hear that term again, I think I'll gag myself with a steak knife. When you have a physical "desktop", you don't put "wallpaper" on it! I mean sheesh! Same thing goes for virtual desktops. "Desktop image" is a much better term.

themacko: I dunno about Ed, but I AM trying to be elitist. No way no how do I want a novice Mac user to use the term "wallpaper", and whenever I hear one say that, they'll have to hear my mind for 5 minutes, at least! ;)
hoo buddy. i'll call it what i want as long as everyone knows what i'm talking about ;) . it's just the picture that you see behind your icons when everything is minimized (is this a windows word, too?). no big deal. now shhhh...

i think the 10.2 Image That Goes Behind Your Desktop Icons is pretty cool ^_^.