10.4.11 server please help


We are a small printing company with a 10.4.11 server and some G5 mac running the same system software. Everything has been running fine for the past couple of years.
We did an update on the server and on the machines monday november 3, 2008 and we used to always open up files that we did in quarkxpress, indesign or acrobat reader make a quick change and save it. But now, when we open the file and make the change the QXP temporary files shows up and will not go away even after restarting the machine. It will also not deleted some .pdf files (we can copy, move, rename but when we try to throw them in the trash it says file is in use and cannot be deleted) this just started Monday. Even turning the machine off at night and coming back in the next day the files are still there and can't be deleted off the server.

Any help would be appreciated!!
Please do not get angry with me - the tech team could not answer this question so THEY moved it here not me. THEY thought I could get better help here.
this is what they wrote
"We apologize for not being able to resolve the issue you asked of us. It is the absolute worst case scenario for us to do this. In our review of why this happens, it generally is related to either the particular issue being addressed or frequently, incomplete or incorrect information provided. We hope by moving your request to the public forums that you will be able to get a solution without leaving you empty handed.

Your ticket has been closed with our support team. Your request has just been posted to Mac OS X System & Mac Software"
so you just opened ticket after ticket and _that_ was the cause of your threads appearing?
ok - here we go - when i first posted i posted in the software forum - as I was looking at others i noticed the one for the server - so i didn't know if everyone looked in all of them so I went ahead and posted in there - a coworker and I was discussing the problem and they realized I had forgotten some things so instead of hitting edit (which i did not see at first until a moderator pointed out very bluntly to me and i wrote back i was sorry I did not see the edit button) I went ahead & posted it in that forum. When nobody answered my question (except to complain about the posting which I said I was sorry for) I asked the Tech Support. When I got to work this morning i read where they moved it to the forums and of course i muttered to myself "Oh Great!! now I'm really going to hear about it (which i did).
I'm sorry, we are usually pretty tech savy and can figure out most problems but this has got us stumped - I had a coworker today open a quark file on the server and it said access was denied. But we could open up other files. It was created last week - it's like picking and choosing which files to open - this did not start until we came in last Monday and the computer download the mandatory update for the server (nov 3, 2008).
I have gotten real good help here in the past.
Is the server time set correctly, as well as the desktop machines' times?

Are the permissions on the folder(s) containing the Quark files correct?

What happens if you copy the Quark file to a client machine's desktop, open it, make some changes, save it, then copy it back to the server, replacing the file? Does everything appear to work correctly that way?
Thank you for replying back - Yes, the server and the desktop machine are all set to the correct times (we have a bunch of pictures and art linking to the server and they have not called for an update). We already checked the permission and and it said the owner can read and write (that is on the main hard drive that we use on the server). As for the quark file I will have to check that as soon as I get into work in the morning and see if I can copy it to a desktop machine. What had happened is that we had an original copy of the file on the server last week, I opened it and updated some fonts, changed the name, then the next day it had to be open again so we opened it again from the same place (from the server) on friday made some changes, closed it and when we went to open the same file today that's when it said that "Access was denied") but we could go back and open up the original. I will post that back in the a.m. As for the other temporary files and pdf files that have not been open from last week (in various places on the server) they still can't be deleted. This all happened when my coworker came in last Monday am and the server had downloaded and installed a mandatory update over the weekend. We have had no problem with this in the past. Open file, change it, close file and the temp file will disappear or being able to delete files. I know this post is long but I'm trying to get everything in.
thanks again for your help.
ok - it's the a.m. I copied the quark file from the server to my machine and it would let me open it but if I try to open it on the server is says "access denied" it's also got QXP-986395284.qxp and about 4 more to go along with it (which we can't delete) they used to just go away. I know we should just drag it over and make changes and drag back but the server has never done this before the update. I also went and tried to delete the pdf's that are on a completly different folder and it still says that they are in use. I just went into another folder from the server which i made a pdf of a different ile yesterday (different company) and it let me delete it. The server seems like it is just picking and choosing which ones it wants to hang on to. Please let me know if you need any more info.

P.s. Seems like Jeno in file permission topic is having the same problem "I am having some problem particularly with files and folder carrying different/wrong permission and access right. I have a lot of file going around in and out the server. Sometimes i am getting file that are locked or having other person identity."
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It seems that a lot of people are having this problem, or something very similar to it:


Do the users working on the Quark files have administrator privileges on the server? Also, would it be possible to set the umask to something like 777 so that ALL users have complete control of the files on the server? That may or may not be a security risk on your setup, depending on what you've got going on over there...
my server guy is looking into the quark issue right now about the access denied. Now if we can find out way the server is leaving, quarkxpress, indesign, illustrator and acrobat reader temporary files instead of deleting them after the file is closed (original problem) we would be doing real good. It does not do that on all files just some of them. I really appreciate all your help.
Point well taken - will not do that any more. ok now, any ideas about why quark is leaving their temporary files on the server and not deleted like they used to? If we drag the file to our machine everything works fine. But this just happens to be the time of year (for the next 2 weeks) that we are on a very, very, tight deadline and opening up files real quick from the server making a quick change, and closing is almost a must. thank you again for your time and patience - this is so aggravating that this would happen right at this time when we need it the most ---- my server man can go to the server, drag those files into the trash and do a "Secure Empty Trash" and they will go away, (but we can't do that on our individual machines) but......... considering we was doing just fine - don't know what happened.
Going to have to do that if we don't get it figured out (after the deadline of course)!!
When you get the "Access denied" error, what do the user and group permissions on the Quark file look like?

Some people report getting the "Access denied" error, but in fact, the file has actually saved and been replaced.
Owner - read and white
Group staff - both say read and write - I just noticed that in the more info: it says it is fetching... - it was doing the same thing last week, but u can copy it. I just made a copy of it, opened it, made a change and closed it, it did not make a temp file this time (weird, go figure)
Everything is working just fine now - nothing was done - I guess server was having a brain fade - deleted things that could not be deleted before including the quark temp files and the acrobat files and even got in the quark file that the access was denied with no problem - go figure.

~ macs have feelings too!!