10.5.1 Available

Just downloaded and seem to be running better. The 10.5.1 Update Page has a link to all that was update right at this page. It lists updates on Airport, Back to My Mac, Disk Utilities, iCal, Mail, Networking, Security & Firewall and Time Machine.

So basically it is a small security update and some .10.5.0 bug fixes.
I think I'll upgrade to Leopard once I know that some of the minor bug fixes are included in the retail DVD. For now, Tiger is suiting me just fine. :D
my flakey airport problems have toally stopped. about a week ago. no idea.

10.5.1, just upgraded about an hour ago. not notcied anything... although it fixes something i had notcied, so should be alright.
Installed it first thing and all appears fine. It has not fixed the Directory Services problem which has been causing me problems though.
FINALLY! Leopard is a lot less annoying in terms of Keychain access with 10.5.1. Behaves more like Tiger regarding that matter.

However, nothing new regarding the lack of communication with our LDAP server at work, still not able to log on with a net account under Leopard