10.5 First impressions - post yours

Damrod, thanks for the spontaneous thought, that would have been a last resort (before going back to the Genius Bar again). I realized the two words that were keeping me from booting from the DVD *AND* from starting in single user mode: bluetooth keyboard.

Yep, I wasted a boatload of time restarting thinking that the CPU could see those keys I was holding down as it booted up. Nope. Bluetooth doesn't load until after login. Needless to say, I got in under single user, did the magic according to the Apple site:


... and when I rebooted, it knew who its daddy was once again. Then it took almost an hour to download all the updates and install them.

We're OK, though. Things are looking good. A little over four hours, but we're almost being productive again. I got lots of reading done, it wasn't all wasted watching the screen.

Thanks for all the help, real and psychic.