10.5 or 10.6



I just got myself a used mid-2009 15-inch MacBook Pro.

If you were me, would you install 10.5 or 10.6?

And why?

Please share your thoughts.
Do you have either version now?
Do you already have a reason to prefer one over the other?
If not, get Snow Leopard - It's only $30
Much faster, and optimized for the Intel processors.
The only reason I would consider staying with 10.5, would be if you have specific software that requires 10.5, and you would have to purchase an upgrade to allow use with 10.6. An example of that would be ProTools.
Be sure that you upgrade your RAM to a minimum of 4GB (which you may already have)
Actually unless they already have 10.5, this forum should not be suggesting that they violate Apples rules regards 10.6 Snow Leopards $30 Upgrade version.
Thanks, people!

My new used MacBook Pro came with a 10.6 installation DVD.

Being 20+ year Mac user, I naturally have every version of Mac OS available to the public.

Speed? Really?

Between speed and reliability, I prefer the latter over the former.
Again, unless you have software that isn't compatible with Snow Leopard, it's better for both speed and reliability.