2006 MacWorld Expo BOLD Prediction


You might be right about the iMac in 2007. Whenever the iMac gets a new processor it changes design. G3 - CRT, G4 - Lamp, G5 - Monitor

My Predictions for Macworld 2006 :

Leopard Preview

iPod Shuffle (512) dropped in price to 79 bucks

1GB Nano for $149, 4GB Nano for $199, 8GB Nano for $250

iLife 06 with all the upgrades + Front Row for any mac now legal

iWork 06 with the Addition of a Spreadsheet App and Database App

Intel announcing that the Yonah (Centrino Duo) is Ready

Mac Mini Redesign w/ DVR+Front Row etc etc etc all the rumor mills have it

iBook/Powerbook 12" Discontinued replaced with a 13.3"

Intel based Laptops with Centrino Duo's debut, all Single Core (for now Dual Core Coming at the End of the Year)
I think the MacWorld releases will be mostly 10.5 previews and a new set of iLife Applications. Also a lot of you have forgotten that Apple hired away major Elgato employee. So i would not be surprised if we did not see a better Front Row or video streaming in a new Airport Express.
Satcomer said:
I think the MacWorld releases will be mostly 10.5 previews and a new set of iLife Applications. Also a lot of you have forgotten that Apple hired away major Elgato employee. So i would not be surprised if we did not see a better Front Row or video streaming in a new Airport Express.

I hope for Apple's sake ur wrong, and we do see at least a few of these bold hardware predictions come true. So many people are so excited about it (myself included), that it would be a huge anti-climax if it were just 10.5 previews!

I'm hoping symphonix's predictions about a new Mac Mini w/Front Row are true. I'll definately be picking one of those up. I've been holding off buying a HDD recorder for my TV on the assumption that this would be the case!
ScottW said:
fryke, did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed? :) To admit that, would be very bold of you. :)

It's okay, ScottW, I always appreciate fryke's honesty.

Besides, my post would be so boring without his comments.

Actually, I think 10.5 previews won't happen, since usually, it's the developers who see a new OS first, not consumers. So I'd say: Leopard will be shown in June at WWDC, like everytime.
fryke said:
Quanta and Asustek have been making iBooks and PowerBooks for a while.

Frye: It had rumors for while? :confused: Where is your proof. :D

RGrphc2: Preview of 10.5 during MacWorld is DOUBT! I agreed with Frye that preview of 10.5 will show off during WWDC.
We will have TWO keynotes !

Nah. I boldly predict that Steve will announce that the Macworld keynote will now become known as the iPodworld keynote.

My not so bold prediction: iWork will get a spreadsheet program called "Numbers".
fryke said:
Actually, I think 10.5 previews won't happen, since usually, it's the developers who see a new OS first, not consumers. So I'd say: Leopard will be shown in June at WWDC, like everytime.

I think that as Apple must maintain the distance with the Rosemont photocopiers, WWDC will see the first demo of MacOS 11. Completely new interface, still UNIX base (of course), but completely new interface paradigm. A merger of Front Row and Spotlight that can be used on minimal devices as well as huge servers, from screenless iPods (over audio) to multiscreen image servers.

But that will only be in June 06 !
I have a goooood one:

a new product ! the merger of the Mighty Mouse with the Motorola PEBL: the first phone-mouse device (hopefully wireless) !
chevy said:
I think that as Apple must maintain the distance with the Rosemont photocopiers, WWDC will see the first demo of MacOS 11. Completely new interface, still UNIX base (of course), but completely new interface paradigm. A merger of Front Row and Spotlight that can be used on minimal devices as well as huge servers, from screenless iPods (over audio) to multiscreen image servers.

But that will only be in June 06 !

Impossible.. :confused:
Lt Major Burns said:
coreBook? no. it sounds too "flashy technology" for apple. core is a name without substance. apple's naming system is VERY logical usually, and doesn't stray too far from the nature of the product. iMac - internet Mac.

But yeah, CoreBook doesn't sound like a good name at all. I think the "Power" in Powerbook and PowerMac comes from the fact that they're powerful, not that they use PowerPC chips. If that was the case, as all Macs use PPC processors, wouldn't they all start with "Power"?
Lt Major Burns said:
coreBook? no. it sounds too "flashy technology" for apple. core is a name without substance. apple's naming system is VERY logical usually, and doesn't stray too far from the nature of the product. iMac - internet Mac.

They might name it simple as well remember then original Powerbooks the Duos? That name might come back. Powerbook Duo or iBook Solo (which sounds something out of a Star Wars Movie)
I don't know about that. They might just stick with the PowerBook and iBook name. Remember that the PowerBook existed WAY before the Power PC chips made it inside the Macintosh. The Power Mac name was used as a marketing tool if you ask me to make it seem as though they were more powerful than their predecessors since they now had PowerPC CPUs as opposed to the 68K CPUs. They might even continue with that since it would be consistent to the consumer. Again, remember who the Power Mac is geared towards....power users, not POWER processors. ;)

I think the names will remain unchanged...of course, we won't know until they are released won't we... :p