2GB bandwidth limit on AT&T


Crotchety UI Nitpicker
Along with the release of iPhone 4, AT&T changed their service plan. Now instead of unlimited data, they offer either 200MB/month or 2GB/month.

I heard a lot about this directly after the announcement, but I'm wondering now that it's been out for a while how real users feel about it. I'm asking myself once again "do I want a smartphone, and if so which one?" (which I ask myself about once a year), and this is a new factor. Most (all?) Android plans still have unlimited data. It almost seems like a dealbreaker, but then again, I've never used a smartphone so it's hard for me to judge what I'd use. I certainly use more than that on my laptop (and not from torrents or things like that), but I'm sure it wouldn't be the same on a phone.

So, for anyone actually on this plan, how do you feel about it? Is 2GB enough? Do you limit what you do over AT&T and only use the net freely when on wifi? I think you could easily exceed 2GB in a day or two on YouTube, especially with high-res videos (I'm assuming iPhone 4 plays high-res versions when available to match its new screen).
200MB is more than enough for me -- I occasionally surf the web, RSS, email, and update various apps. Of course, more often than not, I'm either at work (with wireless) or at home (with wireless).

If you're not a road warrior, then I would think that 200MB is sufficient -- and in that case, 2GB is more than adequate.

I would love to know what the person is doing that exceeds the 2GB limit.
I use mine daily and fairly extensively. I pay no attention as to whether I'm tapping wireless or cellular. I've exceed 200mb 3 of the past 12 months, never over 1Gb.

I'm holding on to my unlimited plan although I have no idea why?
That's not necessary the case for everyone. It just depends on what they do. I have the unlimited data and I have never gone over 2gb.
Dcjose, I think he was making a reference to a few quotes of days gone by -- I don't actually think he was being serious.

Bill Gates was attributed as saying something akin to, "No one will ever need more than 640k of RAM in their computers at home," which was a misinterpretation of him purportedly saying, "640K ought to be enough for anybody."

Methinks the connection may lie therein. Of course 200MB is fine for some people while others would require a higher cap.
Dcjose, I think he was making a reference to a few quotes of days gone by -- I don't actually think he was being serious.

Bill Gates was attributed as saying something akin to, "No one will ever need more than 640k of RAM in their computers at home," which was a misinterpretation of him purportedly saying, "640K ought to be enough for anybody."

Methinks the connection may lie therein. Of course 200MB is fine for some people while others would require a higher cap.

Ah my mistake, I had not been aware of the reference.
As the supposed "Verizon iPhone" slowly condenses from the vapor, this question becomes relevant to me too. How about others? Are 200 mb enough are 2gb too many. (Oh the constipation of it all.) :)
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