4K17 section news&stuff

* PPPoE does not work under 4K17

rp-pppoe-2.5, the latest version does not work.
First, the PPP file is not at the same place in UNIX diectories, but there is no pppd deamon !!!

* Dock highly customizable

in the terminal, try : defaults write com.apple.dock orientation ---
Replace --- by Right, Left, Top or Bottom

I can't put Monitor control panel in the Dock... 4K17 is not the MWSF keynote version...

* Transparent terminal now works very well

Now, window bar and scroll bar are not transparent. Only the content is transparent.

* Incompatibilities

Space.App, the application to manage work spaces is buggy with 4K17...
OpenUp.App does not work since "gnuntar" is not avaible
I read somewhre that you can anchor it to an edge of the screen. Have you tried this?

Also is it true that the lastest version of the dock will run under the PB without problems?

Just wondering :),
First post here, so wish me luck :P
And sorry, 'bout the length, and the english.

Machine: Dual G4 450, 128 RAM, Apple 17', USB Logitech mouse, etc'

- Installation:
Very smooth installation. Comes with 3 options: Installation, Setting a root password (when you first install, the password of the first user created is not the root password anymore), and Preparing your hard-disk for installation (Nice name for partitioning). Also, you can choose not to install the BSD Layer (I didn't try that, but at least its possible...)

- After Installation:
Besides of all the famous changes (dock, apple menu, etc) there are a few small changes that I think are worth mentioning:
- 4k17 supports communication between classic apps and the outside world (internet ;), unlike the
PB, that supported it, only if you used DSL/Cable/Ethernet.
- Tiny changes in the PPP setting. You must set the modem type, and port in the PPP application,
and not in the Network settings, like in the PB.
- Dev tools that apple offers for the PB refuse to work with 4k17. The installation is fine, but when
you try to compile something, it refuses to find the include files. Any ideas will be helpful. Btw, I
know that there are special dev tools for 4k17, but downloading them... bah.
- 4k17 uses my second CPU, but it doesn't show it in the "About the mac", like in the PB. I
- And yes, its slightly faster than the PB :P
- XFree86 4.0.2 runs fine.
- Space.App is not buggy, it just doesn't work :P totally useless with 4k17.

Thats about all for now, more will come later,

Pavel Giterman
i recently purchased a new g4 desktop (133mhz bus) with airport and macos 9.1, which came pre-installed. the public beta wouldn't even boot (results in a kernel panic), and i've since discovered that apple doesn't support the public beta on the new g4 desktops and powerbooks. :( so i've tried 4k17 instead. everything appears to work fine with the exception of classic.

does anyone know if mac os 9.1 is supported on 4k17? (when i go to the classic control panel, there are no system folders listed.) if not, then i have no choice but to install 9.0.x, which will most likely not work on this hardware. also, i've noticed that my 9.1 system folder was not moved by the 4k17 installer. shouldn't it have been moved to a mac os 9 folder?

thanks in advance.
4K17's classic doesn't play nice with OS 9.1... Though I'm not sure why the install wouldn't have moved the system folder to the "OS 9 folder" unless maybe it doesn't even look for systems > 9.0.4.

My suggestion is making a new partition for 4K17 (you really need to do this -- 4K17 is a pretty unstable beast, and recently ate a couple of my partitions... but that's why I had them -- so 4K17 would have its own sandbox to play in.)
Once 4K17 is on the new partition, see about installing 9.0.4 on that partition. If the installer won't work, just drag the system folder over from the CD -- this minimal "install" (plus a few extentions from 9.1, if need be?) might be able to run as classic quite well. It probably won't matter if 9.0.4 can't boot as an actual OS on your hardware. "TruBluEnvironment" (the process runs OS 9; Classic.app is just a front end) provides a "virtual machine" (sometimes called the "blue box") for OS 9 to run inside of. This Blue Box is independant of your actual hardware configuration (which is why drivers and stuff that need hardware access don't work in classic).

Just some thoughts.

No dice. I've copied a 9.0.4 system folder to my hard drive and OS X still doesn't recognize it in the Classic control panel. My guess is that since I am unable to boot 9.0.4, my machine is unable to bless that system folder. Apparently OS X will only recognize blessed system folders for Classic (at least that's what I've heard somewhere). :( (Thanks anyway Zack.)
But not to worry. Everything else is working like a charm, including AirPort :), although encryption needs to be turned off :(. Does anyone know if 4K17 has a workaround for supporting an encrypted AirPort connection? I mean really, I don't want all my neighbors bumming off my base station. ;)
Originally posted by maxuser
No dice. I've copied a 9.0.4 system folder to my hard drive and OS X still doesn't recognize it in the Classic control panel. My guess is that since I am unable to boot 9.0.4, my machine is unable to bless that system folder. Apparently OS X will only recognize blessed system folders for Classic (at least that's what I've heard somewhere).

If you have Norton Utilities you can have Disk Doctor bless the system folder. I don't know if this will work or not but it is worth a try.

Good luck :),