First post here, so wish me luck

And sorry, 'bout the length, and the english.
Machine: Dual G4 450, 128 RAM, Apple 17', USB Logitech mouse, etc'
- Installation:
Very smooth installation. Comes with 3 options: Installation, Setting a root password (when you first install, the password of the first user created is not the root password anymore), and Preparing your hard-disk for installation (Nice name for partitioning). Also, you can choose not to install the BSD Layer (I didn't try that, but at least its possible...)
- After Installation:
Besides of all the famous changes (dock, apple menu, etc) there are a few small changes that I think are worth mentioning:
- 4k17 supports communication between classic apps and the outside world (internet

, unlike the
PB, that supported it, only if you used DSL/Cable/Ethernet.
- Tiny changes in the PPP setting. You must set the modem type, and port in the PPP application,
and not in the Network settings, like in the PB.
- Dev tools that apple offers for the PB refuse to work with 4k17. The installation is fine, but when
you try to compile something, it refuses to find the include files. Any ideas will be helpful. Btw, I
know that there are special dev tools for 4k17, but downloading them... bah.
- 4k17 uses my second CPU, but it doesn't show it in the "About the mac", like in the PB. I
- And yes, its slightly faster than the PB

- XFree86 4.0.2 runs fine.
- Space.App is not buggy, it just doesn't work

totally useless with 4k17.
Thats about all for now, more will come later,
Pavel Giterman