5G iPods Soon?

Kinda makes you wonder if they added movie capabilities to iPhoto just for the hell of it... or not... and why they now allow sync'ing of digital still camera movies to the iPod. It's all becoming so very clear, although Steve has been known to throw us for a loop.

Being the naysayer up until now, I'm actually getting my hopes up -- although I can just see it: "With the new iPod video, you can now view movies sync'ed from your digital still camera on the iPod! And that's all!"
Well, then I'd just put the movies I want on an iPod video onto my cam first. It's got a 1 GB Sony Memory Stick, so that should work fine, too. ;)
Oh boy. Here I was all set up for disappointment. Apple's kept me waiting so long (not really, but for an obsessive guy like me, it feels that way) that I'd given up hope. But now I'm excited again. I feel like they have to be releasing a video iPod now.

And now I will be terribly, terribly disappointed if it doesn't happen. Oh, Apple, why must you toy with me.....
I'm confident after the nano announcement. They _know_ they can't let something halfbaked come out of an innuendo like this one. "One more thing..." has _always_ been something very special. The iBook. The Cube. The iPod mini. The Mac mini.
slightly off topic, but I heard on an InsideMac podcast a while ago they are bringing out a 5gig model of the iPod Shuffle. Seriously, why would you want to shuffle 5gigs worth of songs? At that point you have to ask yourself why not buy a Nano.
How could they release a Shuffle with more space than the Nano? If they had flash chips that big, wouldn't they go to the Nano first?
How could they release a Shuffle with more space than the Nano? If they had flash chips that big, wouldn't they go to the Nano first?

that's a very good point. I swear that's what they said though. I might try and find the podcast when I get home so I can confirm.
Yeah, but it's at least something that might _look_ similar to what's been rumoured (smaller click-wheel, larger screen etc.). However, I don't think Steve would find a screen cool that you have to turn around in order to watch a movie. On the other hand, maybe one _does_ handle this iPod horizontally? Hm... Let's wait and see. :)
no, because then it would become a two-handed device, and that *is* ugly. imagine the ipod adverts. they'd have to do the funky chicken.
Naah -- maybe close, but this ain't it.

Steve would never approve of a screen so obviously off-center. Either a mock-up or a PhotoShop job.

Although that could just be an effect of light and shadows in the picture... ack, now I don't know!
I'm not arguing its a fake, see the smilies.

But I think what fryke is talking about holds some truth. IF they did do a video ipod, with a serious screen, I would think it would look similar to this. And, I don't think it'd become a two handed device, ipods arent that heavy, you hold in in your right hand, and your set to go *shrugs*

Personally... I still don't think its coming out, not until it actually does. :)