5G48 - nice


I've got it finally installed on my Pismo. Nice. Runs faster than previous G27 or something (MacWorld preview). This one has Pre-release in About This Mac window. iTunes 1.1.2, Mail 1.1, Acrobat Reader 5.0 (by default), and finally working DVD player. I've got some problems with audio sync - sometimes video freezed for a moment, bud besides - it works.
Mac OS 9 goes to 2GB partition. I need it for my Oracle client only - it's even not compatible with Classic. But my primary OS will be (I hope so) X.
Any questions?
PowerBook G3/500 512/20GB/DVD
uhmm.. I tried hours in caracho with no luck, everybody is soo stingy (unlike the PC community ;)) or maybe I'm not looking at the right place?
anyways... how long till the final version is coming out?
Well I do have an FTP server --- so if anyone out there // that is nice and wanna share I could allocate some space for OSX 10.1 // if anyone does know where I may obtain it plz email @ acidtuch10 at yahoo
Totally agree! 5G48 is the bomb. I was booted up in it and hooked up a new Firewire CDRW(Yamaha2100EiX), inserted a CDR and a moment later the Finder asked if I wanted to prepare the CDR for burning! No drivers to install no relogging in, no restart!!! I used the prepare for data CD and burned myself a backup copy of Final Cut Pro 2. It burned and verified in less than 6 minutes and I then popped the CDR into my stock DVD drive and installed FCP 2 without a hitch. I also burned a CD from within iTunes in 5G48. The speed increase from 5G27 to 5G48 is dramatic. I was pleased with the performance gain from 10.0 to 10.1(5G27) but not totally happy. But now with 5G48 I would be totally set if this was the release version of 10.1. I can also capture DV via iMovie 2 which installs with 5G48 with no dropped frames and d/l pics from my Memory Stick in the DV cam via Image Capture.
All you skeptics of the jump to X will be silenced with this release until you begin to use it and are driven to praise its superiority(especially when all the graphics apps are ported). I can honestly say that for myself, now with 5G48 there is NO reason to ever boot into Classic except to eidt in FCP because it will not run in Classic.
One feature I really like is the "Full Keyboard Access" feature in the Keyboard System Preferences Pane. Basically, it lets you use Control+ other keys (you can use defaults or assign your own) to control The Dock, Menu Bar, Tool Bars, Windows and Utilty Pallettes. I love the fact that by pressing Control+d I can select any item in the Dock (apps, running or idle, and documents and minimized windows, even the trash) then press Return to activate it. It works with the Menu Bar, but can't seem to get it to work with Tool Bars (haven't tried utility pallettes). Hopefully this will be addressed by the final version.
I must say that I am thoroughly impressed with this build. It addresses most of the problems I've had through 10.0.4. Can't wait for 10.1 final.

BTW- Hope i'm not using anyone else's Avatar. Haven't seen it around here yet.
PLEASE send it to acidtuch10... Pretty please? pretty pretty pretty please? With my new T1 line at college, I've learned that you don't always have to wait for good things. :-D
YES YES --- someone should listen and allow me to get a copy(or at least give me a FTP site where I may get) of OSX 10.1 so that I may post it for some friends ! :-)
Just wanted to let everyone know that I will be installing 5G49 tonight. I dont expect much in the way of visible, notable improvements; mostly just stability, or improvements made to the way the system interacts with itself on a system to system to application level. Ill post an update if anything is noticed as being better or different from 5G48.
Children cool yer engines.
The final release aint out yet and you want to install this on your machines that might do harm to them ??? Jeez... these young'ins dont care of their macs :p lol

Just wait for the final and upgrade ;)
Abolutely. I should have paraphrased my initial post: The pre-release builds of OS 10.1 should not be installed on a system which houses your pertinent data. Afterall, it is called a Developers Release for good reason. Let us bomb out our non-essential hard drives to better your future with the final release :)
I tried the dev build at work. There are some Mac developper in my software company, and they get new a new one every few weeks. My only complaint is how slow Project builder is, you type and it shows up a couple seconds later. Sure, it's faster in 10.1, it takes 1 second instead of 3.... Anyway, that is why I'm sticking to the newest build of CodeWarrior.
Originally posted by acidtuch10
But anyways --- This Young'in has got his hands on 5G48 ---- So any advice on install or other ????

Do you have the PDF file for installation instructions? If not email me and I'll send it to you. Just so's you "youngen"( he he he) gets it all right. :)
Anyone with a 10.1 build: Is AirPort Software Base Station in it????????????

Nachohat: Do you have the latest version of PB and IB (actually Developer Tools 10.0.1). If you have a slower connection, use Netscape to download it, as it is 138 MB, and Netscape lets you resume a 'https' download. I don't know if this fixes it as I haven't finished the download yet (I just started Cocoa developing)
Anyone with a 10.1 build: Is AirPort Software Base Station in it????????????

Nachohat: Do you have the latest version of PB and IB (actually Developer Tools 10.0.1). If you have a slower connection, use Netscape to download it, as it is 138 MB, and Netscape lets you resume a 'https' download. I don't know if this fixes it as I haven't finished the download yet (I just started Cocoa developing)
I stumbled on a site which had 10.1 build 5G48 // package includes the image file -- Dev tools for it -- Disk copy and a pdf with all instructions....... I think all will go good --- I don't have a CD-R so a friend with another ibook will have to burn it for me ---- Unless someone knows how to do it through a windows machine and which app will work for it ???? Thx
