64-bit driver for NVidia 9400M


Hi guys!

I have a Macbook Unibody (2009). Pretty happy with it (pumped up with 8 GB RAM and OCZ SSD).

Currently I run Mountain Lion and XP. Although ML doesnt allow XP in Bootcamp, I've found a workaround :)

Now, I'm thinking about switching XP to Server 2003 64-bit. Slowly finding all necessary hardware drivers.
There is one obstacle with NVIDIA 9400M card. Couldn't find a suitable driver. Anybody care to help?
Perhaps Vista drivers can do?

Any advice is appreciated.

And PLEASE. Don't sidetrack me with "Install VMWare", "Install Windows 7", "Install Windows 8", and so on.
I ask about Windows Server 2003 in Bootcamp, not else. I like to mess with computers and my question
is clear and distinct. =)

Thanks to all!
Actually, the answer is also "clear and distinct"...
Boot Camp does not support the installation of Windows Server 2003

I did find this on first try with a quick Google for the Nvidia 9400M vid -
http://driverscollection.com/?H=GeForce 9400M&By=NVidia&SS=Windows Server 2003 64-bit

I'm guessing you have the Late 2009 MacBook (it's the oldest that supports 8GB RAM), which has the multi-touch trackpad - that may be your biggest challenge for working drivers. That, and the energy-saving functions.

Which edition of Win Server 2003 are you trying to setup? Standard, Web, Enterprise, or (?) Datacenter? I'd imagine the Datacenter edition would be the real "messy" one, if that's what you like :D (and on a laptop, probably not even possible)