7B49 Seeded

No, the time displayed correctly on Date & Time system preferences and analog clock. Just the digital time format in menu extra is a hour ahead!
Yaaaaayy! I was kinda resigned to buying Toast 6, Kudos to Apple. I thought the API's had been changed though?

Ah well.

BTW, one recurring problem I am noticing is that my machine freezes up if I leave it on overnight, forcing me to hot shutdown.
May be because I have left BitTorrent client running (Downloading books, honest!), but I dont think so. Am going to try running BiTorrent today and turn off screen saver and all forms of power saving and see if the same problem occurs still.

Chris J
actually, i would have doubts about it being actaully released on the day at paris. if apple have released the seed now and will be announcing it at paris, it will take them a while to actually burn the disks and make the boxes ect.

could just be like the g5 release though
It's not a final candidate yet. So don't expect it to be the one in the final boxes. ;-) About chrisjasper's freezing problems: Can't confirm them. I'm leaving my iBook on for days, sometimes, my screensaver is activated, too - no problems here. But I'm also glad about the Toast thing, yep. ;-)
Well, my machine has been on all day now with no screen saver or power saving and no freezes.

As another bonus though, out of idle curiosity I just tried to fire up InDesign 2 and it works!!

Now the only problems I seem to see are with Office, but they may just be down to running the apps from my main 10.2.6 drive rather than re-installing them from fresh.
What Office problems? ID2 not starting was resolved in either 7B21 or 7B28, don't remember. My Office just works, but I'm using TextEdit now to open and save Word files.
My copy of Entourage crashes as soon as it launches and tries to connect to my IMAP exchange server.

cant see an actual reason for it to do so and because I have to use IMAP (exchange 5.5) I just set up Apple's Mail and have no problems. Word, Excel and Powerpoint all seem to be fine though.
Okay. I haven't used Entourage in a while and also haven't got an Exchange nor an IMAP account.
i think im gonna hold off on panther until you can change a few things:

-dock look (i like my fully transparent, no triangles etc dock)

-finder/system wide themes (i highly dislike this furthering inconsistant metal look... just make it ALL one or the other apple)
Originally posted by hulkaros
Let me repeat my question one more time:
What are the Boot and Shut Down times, please?

Boot and Shut Down times let you schedule when your Mac will do those things. I never use them so haven't looked for 'em.
I meant the time that it takes for a Mac to load Panther and the time to shut down in secs if possible :o Please, let me know! :)
Originally posted by hulkaros
I meant the time that it takes for a Mac to load Panther and the time to shut down in secs if possible :o Please, let me know! :)

Oh, right. Duh! (Insert Caffeine Here) :D

I don't have a stopwatch handy, otherwise I would for you. Maybe later :D.