7B49 Seeded

From the 7B49 Installer (this was in earlier builds as well):
"Installs the Common Access Card Viewer application, which lets you change the personal identification number (PIN) of a U. S. Department of Defense Common Access Card and view your personal information on the card. You cannot use this software with other smart cards."

Very cool sounding, even if I'll never use it :D.
I wonder what kind of mechanical interface you need to change the ID on a Department of Defense card... I think the whole government should run macs.
Toast 6 doesn't work. 5.2.1 or whatever runs quite well, but not 6. Darn. Just when I thought I could use Toast from my Burner-less iBook :(.
Erhm... Why not simply use Toast 5.2.1? Edit: Didn't read your message right... Sorry. :)
I will until it works again, I just was excited to use the Rendezvous burning from my Tangerine iBook.
The government isn't using Macs right now, since the DoJ I think has something going w/Microsoft. The Army, though, has seen the light.
Originally posted by arden
The government isn't using Macs right now...

No offense, but I gotta call bull-shizzle on this one. Unless, of course, NASA doesn't count as "the government" and you meant the DoJ isn't using Macs right now. I've been working as a Mac system admin at NASA's Langley Research Center for nearly three years. Although Macs only account for about 40% of the systems at LaRC.
If I'm not mistaken though, NASA's Ames Research Center in San Jose California is approximately 80% Macs. So to say, "the government is using Macs right now" is wholly untrue.
Maybe, but it's not partially untrue (:confused:). NASA is a government-funded organization, but they are not the government. They do not pass laws or spend taxpayers' $$$. They do not get voted into office, and they do not have any more say in what happens to this country, its states, and its cities than any other organization. They are not the government. The federal government is the White House, Congress, and the Judicial Branch. The state and city governments use models similar to the federal government. Therefore, I would expect, since NASA is not the actual government, they would be a little more enlightened.
Who cares, I'm outside the USA. ;-) ... Well, I guess I really don't care that much, as the chance that I'll ever work in the US government on a Mac is really quite small. Maybe this is a hint that the use of Macs there will grow - or at least that Apple is preparing for it...?
IMHO nasa although a funded program, is no less "the government" than the army, IRS or whatever.... they are imbedded in the government to say the least, eventhough they are "only just funded by the governement"
i seem to have forgotten that i have two macs, so i went ahead and installed panther on the ibook again

it is coming along nicely, just the finder is uglay O_o

one question... i cant seem to make a "guest" account, says its unavailable, is there an option somewhere?
hum... well, seems like apple doesn't want us to use the name 'guest'. maybe it's a bug, but i wouldn't think so. name's reserved. however, you can make any account a 'guest' account by just not entering a password. you could call him 'visitor'. ;-)
they are about the same as jag for the most part

shut downs are a bit faster, and startups from a crash a bit faster, but only due to journaling being on by default i believe

next time, wait for an answer instead of creating a fit