A look inside Jaguar

One slight comment about 10.2: Apple may have wanted to make things more clear about Quartz Extreme to people.

The reason for the 'cutoff' on the cards is the fact that older cards just can't DO some of the features Apple wants to implement. No T&L, VERY basic 2D acceleration, and very little RAM to store the graphic data.

You aren't being left behind, the cards just can't keep up enough to get as much as a boost.
Originally posted by celeborn

I'd very much doubt it. Have a look at the attached Jaguar screenshot, it shows iChat and Address Book windows with the Brushed Aluminum look and all the rest is Aqua.

IE is still in the dock...

Another thing: Isn't it a little strange that Apple makes a program that supports AOL? (iChat)
how can i find out if my card will work?
Not just for jaguar's sake, but because I can't find anything in the system profiler.

I have a g4 dual 500
agp radeon
Is there more than one type of radeon?

Also, ever since reinstalling my os's (both 9 and x), I can't get any res higher than 1024x768. I used to be able to get up to 1280x1024. Any thoughts?

You mean 'Quartz' not guarts.

Quartz is the Display PDF engine MacOS X uses for the windows, UI interface and so on. A fairly complex beast due to the fact that it is Display PDF. Quartz Extreme is an extension of Quartz that will debut in 10.2 which will allow certain cards to be able to take more of the load of drawing/etc. off the CPU and onto the card. One of these enhancements, which may actually affect all users, is that Quartz will use OpenGL to send data to the card, rather than its own undocumented API within IOGraphics (Which was a common set of acceleration utilities for ALL 2D/3D-capable cards, not just the ones with nice feature extensions Quartz Extreme uses like the Radeon and the GeForce 3).

This is actually a boon, since it may just simplify development of V5 3Dfx drivers by a lone hacker out there. OpenGL is easy to make a plug-in for, IOGraphics is more painful due to the lack of documentation.
"The Finder features spring-loaded folders to aid in navigation [...]" :) - And the Quartz Extreme.. sounds great!

I can't wait, but I'm a bit concerned about the price..

I have to say I don't really think Apple is going to use the brushed metal look ... don't ask me why it's just my opinion. I really don't like it anyway and I REALLY do hope they don't make us current OS X users pay for the damn thing or I'll be pissed. I mean it all sounds fine and dandy but come on. Integrating AIM into the all of this? Remember Netscape? God I HATE Netscape. So slow.... anyway all this is extremely exciting ... kinda ... I am already satisfied with Mac OS X.1.4 I have never had a problem with it ... ever.... I'm using an iMac DV 400mhz too ... and I have nothing to complain about. Everything I want is here already. OH and I do agree Apple is posing off of Watson :p but hey I'm down.

Ok this post makes me sound really negative but I can say I'm glad Apple is addressing some of the problems everyone complains about having but I'm just not that excited about this one :\
I have a feeling Apple will ask for some dough. I also want to know why people complain that they shouldn't have to pay Apple for the fairly heavy undertaking 10.2 is (about a year in the making). It is like expecting MS to give away XP Upgrades for free to 2k users. Not gonna happen.

Apple does subsidize development with hardware, yes. However, their hardware also has to cover R&D costs for their hardware. Eventually the software has to start paying for itself in some manner (QT Pro, FCP, DVD Studio, OS X, Appleworks).

I expect Apple to pull the 20$ S&H thing again, but without the free walk-in upgrade packages.
As serpi said in one of his other posts, "bank on it" being a full-price paying upgrade. With iChat, Quartz Extreme, QuickTime 6, all the Finder improvements, Inkwell, TRUE Universal Access, and general optimization, it's worth the $129/$99 that Apple decides to charge for it.

Just think of it this way: if Apple decides to give a price break to existing OS X users (which it might), you're just getting a discount! :)
For some reason I keep getting the deep, depressing urge to say:

The feeling that instant and free gratification is a right consumers are entitled to from a company is at an all time high.

No offense or insult intended, but I do keep wanting to say that... I keep wondering if the consumers haven't gotten as blinded by greed at times as the companies. Depressing idea, isn't it? :(
1. Do the new iMacs support Quartz Extreme?

2. Is it true that Quicktime pro 6 is included in Jaguar? or is just plain Quicktime?
Originally posted by xaqintosh
1. Do the new iMacs support Quartz Extreme?

iMac LCD has the GeForce2MX chipset with 32MB of VRAM, so yes, it does.

2. Is it true that Quicktime pro 6 is included in Jaguar? or is just plain Quicktime?

I don't know about the pro version. I would think Apple would continue to offer the regular version for free, and the pro version for pay. I could be wrong.