A small size powerbook


I have no idea why only Korean people are talking about new 10.4inch powerbook or something like that.

Is there anyone who has heard of it?



  • abook.jpg
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Koreans are much more efficient than most others... they can swim in pools 1/3 the size of american and they actually laugh at us in our queen and king size beds. My two best Korean friends can acutally sleep on a tightrope.
I wonder how they managed to keep exactly the same design as the 12", yet cutting away half of the computer :p
If you look close in the middle of the keyboard you can see a small ibm like finger button mouse thingy... what where those called. touchpoint or something
I wonder how they managed to keep exactly the same design as the 12", yet cutting away half of the computer
They didn't. It's double as thick. Looks interesting ...
Looks like a fake, and is rather unlikely, and even more unlikely that a photo such as the one seen here would actually appear; since Apple furiously guard products in development and would be likely to notice someone in their factory posing the product for a quick photo-shoot. So what's your source on this, caizer? Where did you obtain this image? Or did you whip it up in Photoshop? :)
Certainly since this looks like it was photographed on someone's couch. Not that it'd be impossible that some prototype could have made it into some break room at Apple, but it's even more unlikely =)
I could see something like this in the iBook line, aimed for students. Lots of scrolling needed to surf though.
I don't think something like this has a chance on the market. The keyboard is ruling the whole size of it. There are very good flat keyboards you can fold and most of the pdas have good screens as well. I would rather pic a 12'' ibook or 12'' alubook or a nice pda but not this - for my taste - bad intermediat.
uh, the Koreans are completely capable of stealing a design and reverse engineering a machine. When I was there in '88 they were selling Apple][ look alike clones with appleworks and a classic-like box running Macos whateveritwas.
Sadly, Apple won't make this. I'd buy one.
I fear that I have to agree. It looks too clunky for Apple to make it, yet it would suit my needs. Fryke and I seem both to prefer subnotebooks as we mainly work with text and are often on the road. I'd buy a 10" *Book without second thoughts. Sadly the processors Apple currently employs are too hot to fit those tiny enclosures.

There have been rumours about Apple on x86. I think it is nonesense to suppose Apple would release OS X for vanilla PC's, but think about Transmeta: all the ultra-flat laptops use Transmeta processors. These processors have a code-morphing layer around the core that permits them to act as if it were a different architecture. I'm not into those levels of architecture, but I think you could see it as a kind of firmware-level emulation, at 90% native speed. So it could act as if it were a PPC processor. It would be possible for Apple to use these in ultra-flat/ultra-small laptops. I'm not saying they will, but they probably could.
doesn't the 12inch alubook very much fullfill the needs for a subnotebook? I mean, how much can you really save on size and weight when you think of a 10inch book? Not that much I think. If you need a very portable system and it's just used for word processing, why not a pda with a keyboard? It will be even much cheaper than those sony and Co. subnotebooks..
Uuuh, I don't know where this picture came from but - and now I'm getting a little paranoid, perhaps I've read too many Pelikan Affair like novels - wouldn't it be that Apple is studying consumer reactions to see wether it is worth or not to release a machine like this by spreading this fake-like picture on the Internet?

Just speculation.
I reject these sub-notebooks. They are trying to be two things at once. Either be a PDA or a laptop, you can't have it both ways.

IMO, if you can't have a full-size keyboard and full size monitor, there really isn't any point, so you might as well be using a PDA.

Like this:


They actually expect people to use that "keyboard"?

Now if those little boxes are just the meat of the machine and you intend to attach a monitor and an external keyboard, fine. It's like a portable G4 Cube. I can't argue with smaller infrastructure, but in and of themsleves, they just don't look "usable".

I can accept that there might be a niche audience of tech people who are always on the road providing network support or something where they need a full implementation of an OS on the smallest, most durable device, but that's a small audience.

Actually, I just thought oa another user. Doctors making the rounds, getting full access to patient data. Alright, so maybe it's not quite as stupid as I think, but I still think it's very niche. For general users, students, designers, editors, programmers, office workers, etc. I just don't see those things taking off.
mindben I don't think you can't compare the sub-notebok in the picture you post with other notebooks such as Toshiba Libretto, Sony VAIO and this one from the picture that opened this thread.

I've used both a Libretto and a VAIO for a while and they are very much usable. You just have to get acquainted with its dimensions and - once you've done so - it is as using any other computer.
guilly said:
Uuuh, I don't know where this picture came from but - and now I'm getting a little paranoid, perhaps I've read too many Pelikan Affair like novels - wouldn't it be that Apple is studying consumer reactions to see wether it is worth or not to release a machine like this by spreading this fake-like picture on the Internet?

Just speculation.

I highly doubt it. Apple's never done it in the past 20 years, and it's unlikely they'd start doing it now. There are better ways to predict consumer reaction than secretly releasing some picture on the internet and then trying to track down what people think of the equipment in the picture.