a Widget that quits Dashboard


Hi, is there any Widget developer willing to create a widget for me? I need one that quits Dashboard. I don't know a thing of developing widgets, but i think it's not that difficult.

Let me know something...

A widget that forces Dashboard to quit would most likely be deemed a trojan or virus, as it's counter-intuitive as to what Dashboard was built for.

Still, I'm interested to see if it's possible!
Dashboard is built so that even if it would quit, it wqould start up immediately, just like Finder. So if a widget would quit it, it would be running again in 2 seconds.
I am able to quit the Finder and it won't restart. I remember installing a script that allows me to do this. So it's maybe also possible for Dashboard.
Oh, I'm sure it's completely possible, but a widget that quits Dashboard may not be the way to go -- why would you need a widget to quit Dashboard, instead of just a regular Finder script or command?
I think it's normal to quit an application when that application is active. If you have to launch a Finder script/command to quit an other application than the Finder itself, then it just doesn't feel natural.

Imagine the quit-widget sitting at the left-top corner, when you click it all the Widgets that are open will fade away (or some other smooth animation, but not the zoom-effect, because that is been used for hiding dashboard) and then Dashboard will quit. To launch Dashboard again, you simply press the icon in the Dock.
True, but then Dashboard and the Finder are "special-case" applications that are meant to run all the time. They aren't designed to be "quit," but that doesn't mean it's possible. Because of this, I think this excludes them from conforming to the same principles that other applications have, like being able to quit them when they're active.