A4 default- how?

Aussie John

Somewhere i saw instructions for making A4 paper the default but now i need it I cant find it. Anyone know how?
Also while on the subject of paper any tricks for getting larger paper sizes than my printer will allow so I can create a pdf of an appropriate size.
Thanks all

"Rather than working with the PaperInfo.xml file, open the ApplicationServices.framework in System/Library/Frameworks and navigate down to Versions/A/Frameworks/PrintCore.framework/Versions/A/Resources/English.lproj/Localizable.strings. In this file locate 'DefaultPaperSize = na-letter'.

There you should place the name of your preferred default page size. The right names you will find in the PaperInfo.xml file up in the Resources directory. For example: na-letter is name for US-Letter and iso-A4 is for A4 paper size."


Macfixit previous coverage
The above instructions are slightly incorrect. You need to type "iso-a4" (lower case), NOT "iso-A4" or it won't work.

Also, you will need to log in as root to change the file.

run the following command (if you don't want to enable root)

sudo open -a textedit path/to/file

and it will work...

What I usually do ist just to copy the Localizable.strings in the /German.lproj folder to the /Localizable.strings in the /English.lproj folder and thereby replace this file. After this operation that has to be done as root the default papersize is A4. All this works certainly without using an editor.
