About Trash in OSX Panther Mail


Hey there fellow Macers!

I've used OSXs Mail for years now but not until now I started wondering this:
I have 2 accounts on the app. 1 for me and the other for my business....
When pressing the arrow down on the Trash icon I get this:

*On My Mac*
*my account*
*my business acount*
All of these 3 have Trash icons next to them on the left.

Now, the two last ones I understand and thats a no brainer :)
But the first one? "On My Mac". I only have 2 accounts!
Why this feature or rather...what is it used for? For fun? :rolleyes:

Anyone can enlighten me on this one?

"On My Mac" means mail that resides locally in the Trash folder, and not in the Trash folder on the server, as with the other two entries.

Is there anything in that local Trash folder? If you open your preferences, click on an account, and view "Special Mailboxes," you'll see that there's an option under the "Trash" label to "Store deleted messages on the server." If this was ever de-selected, deleted messages would go into the local Trash folder (On My Mac) instead of either of the two other Trash folders.

For a POP account, instead of an IMAP like I described, the options are a little different, but result in a similar behavior.