Adobe Flash 9 still available?


I am getting an alert from Firefox that I need to install a Flash Player update. It gives me a link to the free Flash 10 download from Adobe. That's lovely of them, except that Flash 10 is only compatible with OX 10.4 & higher. I have 10.3.9. All the old links I can find for Flash 9 seem to have been updated to Flash 10.

Can anyone help me out here? Thanks!
I've gone back to Flash 9 from 10 also. Seems lots of sites (auto ones especially) do not recognize 10!

BTW, this is using Safari & 10.5.5
Thanks for the link. However, I downloaded & installed Flash 9- and I still get the message. I am running 10.3.9 & Firefox I get the message on youtube. I imagine this problem must be only me, or the world would be in an uproar...

Firefox 3 requires 10.4 & up.

Should I re-install Firefox? Oh- I get the same error message from Safari 1.3.2.

Advice? Thanks.
Tried it again for the heck of it. This is a dumb question- but the plug-in DOES go in Library>Internet Plug-ins, right?