Adobe Photoshop 7.0

i agree, Imageready has several tools that if rolled into Photoshop would only clutter a highly functional interface. Rollovers, imagemaps and more are just not needed in Photoshop.

I have been using PS7 for the last week or so, and it gets major thumbs up.
Is it just me, or is the browser window way more useful than you would have thought? When I first heard that feature, I was like "So what?". Then I used it.

Also, that tutorial CD is very helpful. I probably wouldn't have bothered digging into the browser window had I not seen the tutorial.

And the heal tool is amazing. And the "smart" color correction is nice.

PS is still king.
Has anyone found issues with saving files in PS7? I attempted to save a file to a folder owned by "www" and couldn't due to permission issues. however, in the finder i could drag the file to appropriate folder.

this is confusing, because, PS7 should be running under my user name, and my user name has permission to write to that folder.

any ideas?
Why are you still using betas?! I have the nice little full version :)

Originally posted by fryke
I think Photoshop 4 was dubbed 'Big Electric Cat', Photoshop 5 was 'Strange Cargo' (with the Cat in a wooden box on the Sea). Can't remember what 6 was... 'Liquid Sky' is 7.

Photoshop 6 was "Venus in furs" with that same strange cat as splash-screen.