Adobe Reader problem


I continuously get this error message when I try to open a PDF: "Adobe Reader was unable to install and must quit"
I have searched Google for options and the Adobe site had this:

I have tried everything they recommend on there. It still doesn't work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Are you required to use Adobe Reader?
Can you open that .pdf file with the Preview app (in your Applications folder)?
It will handle most .pdf files with ease.
Are you required to use Adobe Reader?
Can you open that .pdf file with the Preview app (in your Applications folder)?
It will handle most .pdf files with ease.

That is what I have been using since the problem started. But the problem is that I need Adobe Reader for school. One website the school uses won't let you download PDFs directly so I need a PDF viewer that can combine with Safari (Or equivelent) to open in my browser.
If you can't download a PDF, then what can you download? You have to download the Adobe reader installer.
Have you downloaded a version that will work on your version of OS X, and your Mac processor? There's a variety of options, and if you choose the wrong download for your Mac, it won't work.

Which version of Adobe Reader are you trying to install?
More importantly, which version of OS X is running on your Mac?
Is your user account a standard account? or an admin account?
There's also this article on Apple's website:

Mentions "hosed preferences in the main user account". Try to open pdfs in a different user account (usually helps to have more than one on a mac in case one gets corrupted, as yours seems to have done) and if it works there you know the preferences for Reader are hosed.

I wonder if it's a simple matter of removing the preference file and having Reader recreate it? You could try it (search for Reader and move the .pref and .plist files you find to trash, but don't delete immediately). Most Adobe apps get "hosed" preferences and can be fixed quickly in this manner.
You can also disable browser viewing of PDFs, forcing the browser to download it. Mac OS X has built in browser PDF viewing, so Acrobat isn't required. Try removing all traces of Acrobat and see if that works.