Airport Express and Wife's PC


I just set up Airport Express which sees my G4 and MacBook Pro just fine but the wife's Dell, XP Pro and SP3 does connect to it. I installed the Airport software on the PC but it does not see it on the network. Help and thanks
Is the PC a laptop, or a desktop machine? If it's a desktop (or even an older laptop), are you positive that the PC has a wireless card in it (ie, has wireless network capabilities)?

Have you successfully connected to other wireless access points with the PC?
Yes, It is a laptop and it does have a wireless card, A Linksys 2.4 ghz B card
Prior to installing the Airport, with the Linksys router both the Macs and the Dell worked flawlessly. I changed to the Airport to be able to print wirelessly.
I was able to get the PC laptop to connect to a neighbors unprotected wireless network but not mine with the Airport.
How did you setup the Airport Express? Did you set it up for (b, g, n or a) with any security? Did you set it up with the /Applications/Utilities/Airport Utility? What version on OS X, on what Mac plus what version of XP or Vista or Linux is the PC running?
The Airport is set with security. THe PC is XP Pro with SP 3 and I did use the Utility on my MacBook Pro with latest OSX. The PC has a B card but did not see in the set up to change it to another. Doesn't that defeat the ability of my Mac to receive n, if I set it for b to accommodate the PC?
The Airport is set with security. THe PC is XP Pro with SP 3 and I did use the Utility on my MacBook Pro with latest OSX. The PC has a B card but did not see in the set up to change it to another. Doesn't that defeat the ability of my Mac to receive n, if I set it for b to accommodate the PC?

AFAIK, yes. However, the .11n cards should be able to go back to .11b speeds if needed, but that usually requires to have set the router to a mixed mode to support the slowest possible speed at the very least.
Well I don't own a Airport Express but I do own a Time Capsule. There is a setting for 802.11n (802.11b/g compatible) in it. During this setting when a B only device will slow the whole network down while it is it. This is normal and a fact of life. You would be better off buying a n compatible USB wireless dongle to keep your network up to speed. Plus I have one of many programs that can break WEP only keys in less than 3 seconds. So getting an N dongle that can use WPA2 should be used.
I thought about buying her a N compatible card but isn't it OS dependent? If it's that simple, I 'm on my way to Best Buy but is this the cure?
thanks very much
New Info...Changed security to WEP w/ 13 character key and it now works but according to Satcomer, I am vulnerable. Will an n card solve this on pc to go back to more secure setting? Thanks
You'd be better off just purchasing an 802.11n card for your Windows PC. Most of the time, the compatibility across operating systems is stated on the box. You should be well-covered on the Windows side, though.
To all: Thanks. Only issue remaining is ability to print wireless from Dell. Is it possible? I bought n card to upgrade entire network and all machines see the world and Macs print wireless.