Airport Extreme and WRT54G


Am running Airport Extreme as my wireless router for home network but want to plug my linksys into the AE so that it can create a separate wireless network and handle WEP security devices. Tried this before but AE did not like it and the network began to crash. Can someone please give me instructions on how to do this?


I run a wired router and the other as wireless in my house. My path is cable modem->wired D-Link router. To my Time Capsule I ran a Cat5E cable to the Time Capsule WAN port.

Then setting up the Time Capsule I set the (using the Airport Utility in the Manual tab "internet") to get turn OFF "Connection Sharing" so the only device doing NAT is my main D-Link router.

In your case I would set either the LinkSys router no to do NAT when you plug a CAT5E (or better) from a port on the Extreme to the want port on the Linksys. Then when WIRED to the Linksys set it up NOT to do NAT. This way both router are using only one NAT and are on the same subnet for Bonjour sharing between devices.

Lastly make sure the Linksys is only a different wireless channel then the Extreme!!! This is important so the don't step on each other! You can use the free programiStumbler to see the wireless channels in you area.
sorry... please clarify..... are you recommending that I not use DHCP on the linksys which is downstream of the AE? what setting do you recommend instead?
What I am suggesting is have the main router from the do the NAT routing. The wireless router set not to do NAT (when plugged into another router) so computers on computers on the wired and wireless are on the the same subnet network to share things. If you ask about this to someone (who has some NETWORKING experience) near you they probable could easily set it up. Each network is unique and the type of cables used can make all the difference.