I have a Terayon TJ 715X (Cox communications)
I have a connection to the Airport Extreme, I think (when I try to connect to the internet it tells me "You are not connected to the Internet" I then try the Network Diagnostics and when that comes up I have a green light for Airport and for Airport Settings, I have an amber light for Network Settings and Red for ISP, Internet, and Server. These are all on the Powerbook. I am currently connected via the LAN port on the AE base station (on my iMac) and communicating.
I have had the Powerbook for only 2 weeks so it has what it came with V5.6. I even tried to install using the software that came with the base station and it was the same version (V5.6)
When I open the Airport Admin Utility and select configure "Home" on the Airport tab I have the name as "Home". Under Base station options I have WAN Ethernet Port and 1,2,&4 are selected 3 & 5 are subdued. Under Logging/NTP nothing is selected. Under USB printer nothing is there. for the Airport Network the name is Apple Network a5c5e4 Wireles security is "Not enabled" Channel is 1 Mode is 802.11b/g Compatible. Under wireless options it has multicast rate: 2 and transmitter power is at 100%.
Under the Internet tab I have selected Connect using "Airport (WDS) under configure WDS host I have the mac address as 00:11:24:a5:c5:e4, also allow wireless cliet computers is selected and configure is set at "Using DHCP"
Network tab has nothing selected, Port Mapping has nothing, access contrrol has nothing, and WDS has both Enable base station as a WDS "remote base station" and allow wireless clients on this base station is also selected with the main airport ID as listed above (00:11:24:a5:c5:e4)