Airport, no internet


Hi everyone,

I have been trying to connect to the wireless network at my university, and somehow I am able to get the gateway, the ip address, the mask, and the DNS Servers, all the right paremeters. I confirmed that they were correct.

But somehow I still get not internet... I mean I try pinging google by IP address, and I get no response?

Anyone know what could be wrong?
Open System Preferences->Network and in the in the Location select a new location (calling whatever you want to). Then try to connect to the wireless. Verify what frequency (a, b, g or n) and if they are using some kind of security passwords.
How do I verify the frequency?

They told me they don't use passwords.. and well another thing is that I can ping ok to the router?
Ask them what wireless signal they are using (a, b, g or n). Plus if you can ping the router then something is going on in the router. Does the router filter by MAC address?

Plus if you are going to do wireless then maybe you could use the free tools iStumbler and the AirTraffic Control widget. This way you can be on top of stray wireless signals.
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