Airport: Port mapping for web sharing on multiple computers?


I can't believe I don't know the answer to this question:

My roommate and I use an Airport. I want to set up personal web sharing on both of our computers. I've established static distributed IP addresses for both computers, and have mapped port 80 to my computer.

Is he out of luck? Is it impossible for me to map a different port that will be used as a web server to his computer? Or does each public IP only have one port which can be used for web sharing?

What are my options?


Cool. Thanks for the info.

When I use another port (8080, 8008, 8000), it doesn't connect on my roommates computer ( I've mapped port 8080 to his IP, and it still doesn't connect.

Is there somewhere I need to tell Apache to open up that port as well for HTTP?

Thanks again.
1) In the httpd.conf file you'll need to modify the Listen parameter and then restart Apache.

2) But it shouldn't be necessary to change anything in httpd.conf provided you set your routing table up correctly. You ought to be able to set up the table in this way : [outsideIP]:8080 -> [insideIP]:80. That's what I do with my ADSL modems in their NAT tables.