Aliens are real!

Now, the question is.... how did you do it? I'm going to listen to Obama for a second time. But I'll be back. Thanks again bb. and the gang.
Hi reed. I used Photoshop, essentially. I used the crop tool, while holding down shift to keep the selection square as I expanded it. Once I had an area I liked, I cropped it and then scaled down the image size to 50x50 pixels. For the non-square avatar, I simply went for the change in image size, where 50x37 pixels kept the proportions the same as the original. I then ran the images through GraphicConverter, re-saving them, to strip out any (resource) data that is unnecessary for the web. And there you go!

Oh yes, I watched Obama's speech live last night. Very interesting.
Mmm, I see bbloke.
I'm on IMac now after having been on a G350 Blue for so long (leopard... French version). Let the world know, by the way. As Fats Waller once sang in one of his songs. Night & day, of course. Still trying to understand the ins and outs. I lost photoshop from the old but am back on QuarkXpress. The local Apple Store in Paris brought us out of the dark ages for this app. upgrade.

Needless to say, thanks again for your avatar help. I'll tell you the story of the ship another time. Another post? That nobody will reply.

What is GraphicConverter? I see "Grapher" in French. With math symbols and graphs. Is that the same thing?
You will find GraphicConverter here: . GraphicConverter is by far the best shareware for MacOS, it could/should be part of the standard package.

iPhoto can do part of what you want to. For a few more $$$ you can get Photoshop Elements.
Thanks Chevy. GraphicConverter seems a bit like iphotos. Am I wrong? In a word,what does it do better? Put the site in bookmarks though.
Sorry Satcomer for getting off the subject. I'll come back to earth. Best to all.