Align windows.


Hi everyone,

I was wondering, is there a way to make mac windows align side by side, like the funcion in windows where you can select some windows and align them side by side.

Thanks in advance,

You mean the tile windows effect I guess. There is no exact copy on OS X but there is a better option, expose!

Press F9 (perhaps fn - F9 if on a laptop) and you will 'zoom out' to see all your open windows, allowing you to click the one you want. F10 shows all windows open in the current program and F11 clears away everything to show the desktop.

Its not quite like Windows but once you get used to it its an excellent way to get around.
You can also use MercuryMover to gain exact control over the placement of windows in Mac OS X -- sticking them to the side of the screen, making them a predefined size, enlarging/shrinking each side by 1,10,100 pixels, etc.

Not exactly what you're looking for, but may be useful. You can find it with a super-simple Google search.
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I just discovered it a few months ago and have been using it like crazy. At first, I didn't want to register (I thought it a little overpriced), so I wrote a little AppleScript that replicates the "resize window" function of MercuryMover (to reside windows to a certain width/height and position), but it doesn't work on all applications for some reason, whereas MercuryMover has handled every window I've thrown at it... so, I bit the bullet and gave them my money.

The hotkeys are second nature to me now, and it's drastically helped me with window management.
You mean the tile windows effect I guess. There is no exact copy on OS X but there is a better option, expose!

It's not just an effect Ora, it can increase your productivity when comparing different files, on different windows.. Alt-tabbing.. and exposee are good for quickly changing from 1 task to the other, but when you want to use 2 or 3 windows at the same time for comparison, it will not do. Well trust me, it helps to have them aligned. Thank you for your reply though, I did know of exposee but didn't know of the other features.. useful info :)

That's like *exactly* not what is asked. :) He wants to have two or more document windows aligned, basically tile the screen with the open documents of an application. Some apps feature this, most don't. It's not a system-wide thing.
The hotkeys are second nature to me now, and it's drastically helped me with window management.

Thanks ElDiabloConCaca! I'm actually the developer of MercuryMover and i really appreciate the compliment! Although i don't have an official announcement to make, i am in the planning stages of adding window tiling to MercuryMover. You can keep track of MercuryMover's progress at our blog.

Thanks again for the mention 8 -)

All the best,