Just opened up OSX 10.0.4 to find generic folder icons everywhere: in the Dock and in all folders. All my Apps are folders now with the application
I can't open anything or do anything with the computer. I can't open the terminal to update the prebindings or anything.
Booting with the Install CD and running Disk first Aid does not find any problems. Neither does booting into 9.1 and running Norton 6.
Total system failure. Does anyone have this experience. What can I do apart from reinstall the system and upgrades again?

Just opened up OSX 10.0.4 to find generic folder icons everywhere: in the Dock and in all folders. All my Apps are folders now with the application
I can't open anything or do anything with the computer. I can't open the terminal to update the prebindings or anything.
Booting with the Install CD and running Disk first Aid does not find any problems. Neither does booting into 9.1 and running Norton 6.
Total system failure. Does anyone have this experience. What can I do apart from reinstall the system and upgrades again?