What the heck?! I left my computer for twenty minutes -- it may have gone into sleep mode, as it does frequently; it may not have. Anyway, when I went back to it, I noticed that it would not check for new mail using Mac Mail. I restarted Mac Mail -- now it wants to start me from scratch with a brand new account. I reboot, and now none of my applicatons have any memory that I have ever used this computer. Worst of all, my iPhoto library is no longer linked to iPhoto (It's still there, but iPhoto thinks this is the first time I've used the program).
Anybody have any idea what's going on, or how I can fix this?
I'd also be grateful for a specific fix for the iPhoto problem, even if there's no way to recover my preferences. But I'd love to know how this could have happened so suddenly.
Anybody have any idea what's going on, or how I can fix this?
I'd also be grateful for a specific fix for the iPhoto problem, even if there's no way to recover my preferences. But I'd love to know how this could have happened so suddenly.