American politics - the truth

GOD that was hilarious!!!! No matter which way you are voting this year! ::ha::

I had even heard about how much attention this was getting in the news. Too much... :D
Humor is not supposed to be reality.
There is no smoke without fire.
One should judge men of power on the results of their decisions (or absence of decisions).
get a grip Harvestr. all the things said about Kerry aren't true either. this animation is equally offensive to either side if you take it too literally. i wasn't talking about the things that were said in the movie, but rather it's overall view on what level politics really operate at. let's face it, this is the 'exagerated' truth of what our political campaigns generally deteriorate to. it's really sad, which is what makes this so funny - we'd all rather laugh than cry about it. and i think that was the movie maker's real point. he certainly doesn't make anybody out to be the 'good guy'.
I was the whole week in Roma... impressed by the rests of the imperial Roman architecture... impressed by the popes realizations... and the last day I visited the new (and also impressive) EUR city built by Mussolini. Strange feelings.
edX said:
get a grip Harvestr. all the things said about Kerry aren't true either. this animation is equally offensive to either side if you take it too literally. i wasn't talking about the things that were said in the movie, but rather it's overall view on what level politics really operate at. let's face it, this is the 'exagerated' truth of what our political campaigns generally deteriorate to. it's really sad, which is what makes this so funny - we'd all rather laugh than cry about it. and i think that was the movie maker's real point. he certainly doesn't make anybody out to be the 'good guy'.

Politics under Clinton - No matter what the president does, it is someone elses fault.

Politics under Bush - No matter who screws up, it must be the presidents fault.

I have a grip, you all don't and it is why you post CRAP like this. I saw that it bashed both, but I'd rather spend my time trying to find ways to better this country than to just stand and poke fun at it. Sorry.
Harvestr said:
I saw that it bashed both, but I'd rather spend my time trying to find ways to better this country than to just stand and poke fun at it. Sorry.

Don't get me wrong, it was humorus and some of the best art in a Flash animation I've seen to date. I am just tired of the bashing is all. Even when done for the pure sake of humor and not hate, I still think it gets a little old. The main reason is everyone thinks they are an expert on what the "real Bush" or the "real Kerry" is. I do think the real Bush is easier to see. Too many Liberals are blind to it though. The real Kerry? Ah hell, even Kerry doesn't know who Kerry is.
no, satcomer, i didn't see that. sorry for double posting. but it's a case where your title had nothing to make me want to check it out. no idea what the thread would be about. it's like posting a title of "Help", i just ignore those.

tell you what sat, we'll leave them both up and see who gets more views :D

Harvestr - fine. i'm not playing this game. this wasn't meant to be a politcal debate. it's humor. i'll bet even Bush and Kerry got laughs out of it. "if you can't laugh at yourself, it's time to pay more attention to what you're doing".
TommyWillB said:
Sad, but true... Makes you want to cry and become an expatriate.

Don't expect it to be so much better elsewhere... :(

I travel a little bit for my work, and my (current) conclusion is that the western way of doing politics is still the less bad. Sometimes we elect the wrong people, but at least they don't last forever... and we remain responsible for who we (or we don't) elect.
Lest we forget that it is this system that allows us to discuss these things and have these freedoms we enjoy daily, without fear!!

I love the circular arguments about how the government is terrible and that the system doesnt work, when it is the very system and government that we have that allows us to discuss/argue/berate/praise/approbate it.

sleep soundly on your pillows this evening while cursing the system that allows it...
RGrphc2 said:
Anyone know where i can download This Land so i don't need to be connected to the net to watch it.

For this and other flash animations, open it in internet explorer (I know, its bad but the easiest way i've found), then go to home/Library/preferences/explorer/temporary files and it should be there. Remember,. though, its someone else's work and shouldn't be distributed without their permission- but this does allwo you to view it offline.

On the main subject- i laughed so hard i almost got in trouble at the office, i am being payed to work after all. Humour is best when like this, it attacks all sides, the ones you believe in and the ones you don't. It may go over the top, but there is enough of a kernel of truth in it to make it sting- if you don't know what i mean go watch some Bill Hicks!
Apparently they're being sued by the copyright holders of Woody Guthrie's songs. Presumably that's not the Guthrie family, but some record company - Arlo always seemed pretty mellow, I don't really know about the rest of them.

Incidentally, I always think it's funny how 'this land is your land' is sung in very conservative settings - the boy scouts and such - in a very very stripped down form. There's only about two verses that don't have overt communist ideology in them, but they'll be darned if they won't sing those two verses over and over...
Harvestr said:
I do think the real Bush is easier to see. Too many Liberals are blind to it though. The real Kerry? Ah hell, even Kerry doesn't know who Kerry is.

I'm not gonna sugar coat it for you Harvestr — Anyone would be better then the Lying, Cheating, Election Hi-jacking Dumb-ass we have been forced to endure for the last 4 years. The man is a nothing short of a criminal!

My advise to you would be to take an afternoon and go see Fahrenheit 9/11, if you haven't yet, then reconsider wasting your vote on this "Foregin Affairs Disaster" parading around as our leader.

Vote for the Corporation's choice or vote for the people's choice — JUST VOTE!

I would like to invite anyone wanting to learn more about John Kerry to visit
By the way, if for some reason you doubt any of the facts or even implications in Fahrenheit 9/11, go buy Moore's book, "Dude, Where's My Country?" It's basically the same thing, but WAY more detailed, and with all the footnotes you could ask for.