mac shaman
It's that time of the year again and we're once again organizing a fantasy baseball league. it's open to all members of our site.
Major league baseball starts play on march 25 so i will let signups continue until march 22, at which time i will declare us ready to draft provded we have the required 'even number' of teams.
anyone can play this, no need to follow baseball or even know how it is played. it's an online game that has it's own rules and tricks for winning. and it's FREE. all you need is a Yahoo id. which is also free if you don't have one already. several of our european members did quite well last year.
to join our league go to http://baseball.fantasysports.yahoo.com/b1 and click "Sign Up Now". after accepting their license agreement, click on the option to 'join private league'. then you will need to look for league id # 151955 - MACOSX.COM Baseball. the password is 'thecafe'.
Feel to free to ask questions or to post and let everybody else know how you're going to stomp them this year. (trash talking starts as soon as you have a team.
(The Giantz ARE going to win the league AGAIN this year!! anybody really brave enough to try and dethrone me?)
Major league baseball starts play on march 25 so i will let signups continue until march 22, at which time i will declare us ready to draft provded we have the required 'even number' of teams.
anyone can play this, no need to follow baseball or even know how it is played. it's an online game that has it's own rules and tricks for winning. and it's FREE. all you need is a Yahoo id. which is also free if you don't have one already. several of our european members did quite well last year.
to join our league go to http://baseball.fantasysports.yahoo.com/b1 and click "Sign Up Now". after accepting their license agreement, click on the option to 'join private league'. then you will need to look for league id # 151955 - MACOSX.COM Baseball. the password is 'thecafe'.
Feel to free to ask questions or to post and let everybody else know how you're going to stomp them this year. (trash talking starts as soon as you have a team.

(The Giantz ARE going to win the league AGAIN this year!! anybody really brave enough to try and dethrone me?)