Annoying persistent notification flag for 'Software Updates'


Mac OSX is flagging my 'Software Updates' app icom to show there is a new notification -- but there isn't. There is only an old one about the availability of Big Sur, which I have read. I am on Catalina and plan to stay that way for comsistency with my older computers that are not able to upgrade.

The usual behaviour of a notification flag is that it turns off when you read the notification. It seems in this case Apple is abusing the flag to try and force me to upgrade when I do not want to! Come on Apple, that is not what this flag is for!

Screenshot 2022-10-02 at 14.34.38.pngScreenshot 2022-10-02 at 14.34.55.png
The flag is there so you do not forget. They want you to update/upgrade so you have the latest, secure version. The App Store does the same thing, keeping the flag until you update those apps.

The saying 'Out of sight, out of mind' comes to play. If you don't want to update, then you, the user, need to just ignore that flag.
@Cheryl "The flag is there so you do not forget". That is why I say it is misuse of the flag. I have not forgotten the update; I do not want it. A notification should be an indication that there is a message, not that there is an update.

It is hard to ignore the flag because
(1) I cannot remove it -- notifications cannot be turned off for Software Updates as they can for other apps (which is what I do for other apps that misuse notifications)
(2) I cannot tell whether there is a genuine new message waiting for me that I DO want to see -- such as an update to Catalina.

Highjacking a notification to force me into an update I do not want undermines the notification system. I understand that this is an Apple problem that cannot be fixed by contributors to this forum; I am simply venting frustration and drummng up support for a change by Apple.