If there was the same number of hackers trying to break MacOS then people would be laughing at it too.
I must disagree, too. Primarily, because it does not make sense: Now, windows is insecure, because so many people attempt to hack it??? You're likely to confuse cause and effect about this. I would rather say: Windows is so insecure in first place that people are tempted to hack it.
No doubt, there are more than enough unix boxes in the world to make exploiting them a highly lucrative task. (And it has been tried at large, repeatedly with success to some extend...) Still the most incredible (not to say stupid) hacks appear in the PC world: love letters of any kind, dialers, point-and-click trojans, streaming viruses - and a hundred nasty things which would simply not work under unix.
So the quoted thesis of yours, I cannot agree with, though I recognize what you are trying to express. It's a large field to discuss what social matters are relevant to computer security besides technology, e.g. intelligence and know-how of the users, their amount, the number of malicious subjects and so on...