Any ipod car holder for 3g ipods? if not then help me!

Who said I care anything about style? If I had an iPod, I'd probably attach it to my car with velcro. If it works, is cheap, and doesn't look bad, then what's the big deal? Velcro's quite useful.
Since when was it up to you? I mean, you don't have to, but if I wanted to, it should be up to me, not someone I don't know.
Of corse but based on how everyone i know with an ipod babes it, i dont think anyone of them would put velcro on it. Is there anyone that would put verlcro on there ipod besides arden???
Yes, I'd put velcro on Arden's, then attach it to the roof so it couldn't be played as punishment for defacing such as a beautiful design with velcro. :D