I seriously doubt that Connectix will release a Mac emulator that will run OS X on a Windows PC anytime in the next year or two -- or ever.
I think OS X is pretty much stuck on Macintosh hardware for the time being.
There's no evidence anywhere to back up a claim that OS X will run on anything other than a PowerMac, anytime, ever, in the future. It's more logical to believe that OS X is for Macintosh and Macintosh only than to believe that it will be running on any other platform in the forseeable future.
If you'd like to learn the REAL OS X, grab the Darwin ISO 9660 CD images from Apple's Developer site and start toying around with the UNIX portion of OS X on a PC for starters -- that way, you'll be pretty well versed in the command line -- since the learning curve for the GUI is pretty much zilch, you could be learning the useful stuff like owners, root access, file permissions, etc. by means of the command line.