Any rumors on a possible G6?


Bounder of Adventure
Hello all,

Just curious to know if there has been any hint on the next generation Mac. I've done some searches on Google, but find nothing but some joke sites about possible new machines.

Anything serious out there regarding potential time tables on when a new machine might be planned for release? I know this will all be speculative, but would be nice to know if there is anything out there.

I just bought a new dual 2.0 G5, and would be a little depressing if something brand new came out. But since there is nothing to be found in terms of rumors, I find it hard to believe that Apple could keep something like that secret when the time nears to release it.
hi Daniel and welcome to the forum.
The next step for the G5s will surely be the multicore architecture. I haven't heard any rumours about a "G6 processor" so far. I think you will enjoy your Dual G5 2.0ghz powermac for quite some time. ;)
Ah, I suppose that's the answer I've been looking for. Oh, and believe me, I'll be happy with my new G5 dual 2.0 for quite some time. I lived with a 450 megaherz G3 (blueberry) for over 6 years, of which I bought used.

I guess some of these pages are what I've been looking for, even though some of the guesses already seem to be off:

I have to say, this is exactly the type of forum I have been looking for. Great work!!
we are (mostly) level headed. [you wont see any AHAHAHAAHHHAHAHA! PWND! I KiXD ur A$$ LOLZ!!!!1!! here, hopefully. mods should be allowed special powers to sterilize anyone posting with more than 5 exclamation marks!!!!!]

we (mostly) always try to help as quickly as possble. help and be helped. welcome to soviet-russia.

I'm sorry, but you completely lost me in that last post. Is it forbidden here to use two exclamation points in trying to prove that I am happy at the work done on this site? Or is it better than I use corny little smiley-face icons to prove the point?

I do seem to fall under your 5 exclamation mark rule, as I only put in 4. ;-)
Yeah, he kind of lost me on that one as well. Maybe because it's still morning here in Miami (or maybe it's because I AM in Miami...I never can tell :D). Please explain for the clueless like myself. :D
I think he was getting at the fact that the majority of members here are level-headed, literate Macintosh professionals, so you won't see that annoying "mAcInToSh rulz, Windowz SUX0Rz leet h4kkrz 4eva!" kind of speak that seems so popular these days. We get a few now and then, saying stuff like "Mi MAC wn't boot -- hlp plz, this is totaly SUx0RZ!" to which we usually reply, "damn tht duz Sux0rz 4eva! try 1st the xo885t n then try 2 u77HHg(-)** n that shud fix it!"

You write in gibberish, you get gibberish in return -- this ain't text-messaging on a cell phone: you've got a full size keyboard so use it! ;)

Welcome to the forum, egon! Glad to have you here!
ElDiabloConCaca said:
I think he was getting at the fact that the majority of members here are level-headed, literate Macintosh professionals, so you won't see that annoying "mAcInToSh rulz, Windowz SUX0Rz leet h4kkrz 4eva!" kind of speak that seems so popular these days. We get a few now and then, saying stuff like "Mi MAC wn't boot -- hlp plz, this is totaly SUx0RZ!" to which we usually reply, "damn tht duz Sux0rz 4eva! try 1st the xo885t n then try 2 u77HHg(-)** n that shud fix it!"

You write in gibberish, you get gibberish in return -- this ain't text-messaging on a cell phone: you've got a full size keyboard so use it! ;)

Welcome to the forum, egon! Glad to have you here!

::ha:: Thanks for the clarification....I'm such an old fart... :p
What I don't get is that I didn't write in that gibberish language at all. Just two exclamation points in a row. I guess I'll just have to be careful how I express myself in the future...........................

By the way, Jeff, very nice website design. Very slick. Nice pencil idea! Would be perfect if you made the html table-free. I'm a web standards freak...
G6 is just a marketing name. I think that once the dual core procs come out that it could be marketed as the G6 and not a dual core G5. Rumors point to sometime later this year for dual core machines. Perhaps an announcment at WWDC in June which would mean shipments appearing September to October if they do the same thing they did with the G5s initially.
egon said:
I just bought a new dual 2.0 G5, and would be a little depressing if something brand new came out. But since there is nothing to be found in terms of rumors, I find it hard to believe that Apple could keep something like that secret when the time nears to release it.
No chance of a G6 in the near future. The G5 is still a newborn.

Makes me wonder though - Apple have already released Tiger and updated their hardware line up. What could they be saving up for the upcoming WWDC?

sorry. i've been misinterpreted, i didn't even notice you'd used two exclamation marks.... :P

i genuinely was welcoming you! sorry to have sounded rude.

welcome to macOSX forums
I also found some pics of the G6.

Remember, these are prototypes.


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egon said:
What I don't get is that I didn't write in that gibberish language at all. Just two exclamation points in a row. I guess I'll just have to be careful how I express myself in the future...........................
Oh, no, no! I don't think he was referring to you at all -- don't think that. I think he was saying (if I can speak for him), "Welcome to the forum -- I think you'll find the members here are helpful and knowledgeable, not like some other forums where everyone speaks in gibberish and the help is not high-quality." He wasn't saying that you were doing that... I guess my other post just confounded the situation even more -- sorry for the misunderstanding!

egon said:
By the way, Jeff, very nice website design. Very slick. Nice pencil idea! Would be perfect if you made the html table-free. I'm a web standards freak...
Thanks, I appreciate it! I'll go table-less in the near future. That's a project "on hold" for another week or two until classes are over. You do any design work? I need to hop on this CSS bandwagon at some point, but just haven't had the experience or time with it yet. How and with what elements would you suggest laying it out?
thank you. it was late when i wrote that. a few more words and a praragrpah break....we wouldn't have all this....

Oh, don't take yourself so seriously. No problem. No offense taken. Just a little confusion.

By the way Burns, are you sure your Cinema Display is better than your G5? A high bar to set.
With almost the entire desktop line refreshed at the same time, which in itself I can't recall the last time that happened. I doubt it'll be before 2006 before a completely new CPU is introduced. How long ago was the last update to the PowerMac? If there's a refresh by end of the year it will probably be another speed bump, maybe even get to the elusive 3GHz, unless there's nothing and MWSF will be when the next gen is introduced.