Any trouble with the Mac OS X 10.3.7 update?

Did this update cause any problems?

  • No, the updater was good for me.

  • Yes, it caused one or more problems (post them...).

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Staff member
With many of the previous 10.3.x updates, people had some trouble, starting with 10.3's release and the FW drive-erasing bug etc. I create this poll in order to get a feeling how 'good' the beta testing of this update was.
To add my own comment here: No problems on my side. I've updated quite a fresh install of 10.3.4 to 10.3.6 two weeks ago and updated that through Software Update to 10.3.7 (26.4 MB for me) yesterday.

And a note for those who _do_ run into some trouble: Try updating again with the combined updater. For those who have not updated yet, the combined updater always seems more 'thorough'. ;)
I did. I ignored the part that stated If you have a third-party FireWire hard drive connected, turn it off and disconnect it before installing this update... I left my iPod connected. Got many many errors all among the Firewire kexts; had to reinstall to fix them. This all happened after I reattached the iPod after the update. Can't say I wasn't warned, though, so I wasn't mad about it.
Dec 16 10:16:59 dreamstatic kextd[779]: unable to register module with kernel
Dec 16 10:16:59 dreamstatic kextd[779]: a link/load error occured for kernel extension /System/Library/Extensions/AppleStorageDrivers.kext/Contents/PlugIns/initioFWBridge.kext
Dec 16 10:17:00 dreamstatic kextd[780]: a link/load error occured for kernel extension /System/Library/Extensions/AppleStorageDrivers.kext/Contents/PlugIns/LSI-FW-500.kext
Dec 16 10:17:01 dreamstatic kextd[781]: a link/load error occured for kernel extension /System/Library/Extensions/AppleStorageDrivers.kext/Contents/PlugIns/OxfordSemiconductor.kext
Dec 16 10:17:02 dreamstatic kextd[782]: a link/load error occured for kernel extension /System/Library/Extensions/iPodDriver.kext/Contents/PlugIns/iPodFireWireTransportSupport.kext
Dec 16 10:17:02 dreamstatic kextd[98]: can't find extension with id
Dec 16 10:17:03 dreamstatic kextd[784]: unable to register module with kernel
Dec 16 10:17:03 dreamstatic kextd[784]: a link/load error occured for kernel extension /System/Library/Extensions/iPodDriver.kext
2004-12-16 10:17:08.445 SystemUIServer[451] Trying to set an iPods time, though I have no user client.
Err, just to note on the above: my iPod did still mount, it looks like it used an older version of the kext to do it (I edited the output a bit). It complained that the loaded version differed from the installed version, basically. I figured that wasn't a good thing, so I reinstalled the update.

Thought I'd mentioned that in case someone did the same thing and thought they had no problems because the drive still mounted - check out the system log and see if you have any errors like I did.
Never had a problem with any of the updates, and this one fixed the Safari timeout issues as well.

Only thing that happened was a kernel panic upon rebooting after installing the update. Scared me a bit, but another restart got things back to normal. Needless to say I went into panic/fixit mode and fixed the drive (no errors) and permissions (none as well).
I missed the warning about the third party firewire drives, but had no problems on either machine that had an active firewire drive attached. It may have helped that both were bootable and I used the combo updater to update the OS X on the firewire drives before upgrading the internal boot drive.

In any case, I must be living right because there were zero problems with any of the installs. :D
I didnt have any problems at all, although just an extremely slow restart after installing the update.
Wow, this is quite unusual, huh? Everyone seems to be happy with the update. I remember a different situation for the previous updates even though I never had any troubles with those as well.
Of course, anyone whose Mac is now a smoking ruin may be unable to post for the moment... But this update was good for me too.
I really _guessed_ this would be a good update for most people. Seems like that FireWire thing is the one 'bad guy', but if Apple warns about it, you can't really say much (other than maybe Apple should have written that in BIG RED LETTERS?)
From MacFixIt;

FireWire warning includes iPods

We previously noted that Apple's release notes for the 10.3.7 Update indicate that users should disconnect all FireWire drives from the computer being updated prior to installing the update. This includes iPods, as the iPod is indeed a FireWire hard drive. Reader Bill Kempthorne discovered the possible consequences of not heeding Apple's advice:

"I saw the note about 'third-party' firewire drives [but] it didn't really register that my [40GB 3G] iPod would be one of them...[After installing the update] I went to grab my iPod and found a CD with a checkmark on the screen. Upon restarting the iPod had no music. I plugged it back into my G5 and iTunes complained that it was unreadable. While the iPod mounted all the other data on the drive was also gone. I have run the restore from the iPod updater and I am now re-syncing my iPod."