Anyone know how to...


have your isight (I'm using the one on my imac) record only when there is motion? Is there any software that can do this? Or any settings? And is it possible to time/date stamp it?

Any suggestions or ideas would be much Appreciated!

My favorite webcam app is EvoCam. It is incredibly full-featured. If there's something you want a webcam to do, it can probably do it... including take a picture when there is motion in a user-defined part of the screen, or whatever, and then upload it to a site, save multiple ones in a folder, or whatever.. it's amazing, and well-worth the money...
EvoCam is a really good program. I wanted to set a timelaps of myself sleeping to see how much I actually move around at night since I find myself fairly uncomfortable in my bed. This program would do it with the help of iGlasses which lets you set your iSight to infrared mode. Unfortunately the iSight isn't quite sensitive enough to pick up anything when the room is too dark so it didn't really work.

But anyways, EvoCam will do motion detection and recording.