anyone know whats up with fetch and 10.1?


Where's your head at?
anyone hear when a patch is planned for fetch?

and anyone know any other good clients until fetch is back?

i hate booting to os9 to upload files
DOES NOT work for me either. I can connect, but the filist NEVER appears (THiss is on my OWN FTP Fieserver or ANY other for that matter)...

Try works in 10.1
Just downloaded Transmit and am giving it a run right now.

Nice clean interface and reasonably responsive (my DSL connection is reading a steady 150-190,000 byte/sec download from my FTP server at work.

Makes you wonder hard hard it would be to program a program like this using REALBasic...?

Periodically Fetch writes a file called null.plist into your <home>/Library/Preferences folder. Deleting it will bring Fetch back to life.

Also, you can do Get Info and have it launch as a Classic program if that does not work...
I was expecting that Apple would build FTP fight into the Finder.

We should just be able to go to the Conect To and type in an FTP address and see this show up as a regular finder window. I love Fetch, but I'd rather not need it. (Command line FTP does not count... :) )
Originally posted by TommyWillB
I was expecting that Apple would build FTP fight into the Finder.

We should just be able to go to the Conect To and type in an FTP address and see this show up as a regular finder window. I love Fetch, but I'd rather not need it. (Command line FTP does not count... :) )

that's what [choke].....[gasp!!!] IE is "supposed to be for "

so why let microsoft handle that important issue....


maybe it is because ftp is a security hole....
they have a hometown advantage on those.

clear text the whole way through.
I don't mind when myname = anonymous.
Fetch needs to support sftp
On a related note, whenever my brother (running OS 10.1 and fetch 4.0.1) tries to upload to my FTP server, Fetch sends a STOU command, rather than a STOR command. Needless to say, this does not work. When I try to upload with my copy of fetch, it works fine. Any ideas as to what can be done about this?
Originally posted by macavenger
On a related note, whenever my brother (running OS 10.1 and fetch 4.0.1) tries to upload to my FTP server, Fetch sends a STOU command, rather than a STOR command. Needless to say, this does not work. When I try to upload with my copy of fetch, it works fine. Any ideas as to what can be done about this?

ftpd supports
STOR store a file
STOU store a file with a unique name

see the man page.
So then the problem is with my FTP server software, ProFTP, rather than with Fetch. Thanks. Granted, I still have no idea what to do about it, but at least now I have a better idea of where to look.
If you are able to connect to your server but can´t seee your file it might help to use passive mode transfer.
Open the Firewall mode in preferences
doh, i didnt realize their was a newer version of fetch out.

i was using the beta still. good job me :)

new fetch icon is pretty too
I have open transpot error with Fetch 4.01

Yesterday I grabbed a freeware FTP app call RBrowser. I works fine. No problems. And the GUI is so similar to the finder window in OSX server
interarchy is another FTP client with "finder windows". I've had great luck with it under OS X. I beleive the newest version is 5.0.x.

just do a search for FTP on and see what pops up. You'll get all kinds of FTP programs, with ratings from users so you can see which one to download.