Anyone notice that Firefox sucks?


has a mac beyond repair
I dunno about you guys. But my friend and I both have everything up to date, but Firefox is like, the slowest browser now, it freezes all the time, its buggy as hell. FF used to rock. What gives? Anyone else having this problem or dissapointed with FF? Im switching to Camino for now.
I've had some issues with Firefox on my Linux/ppc box, but I can't complain too much. I AM running this on a 160 MHz StarMax. :p But for the most part, it's pretty solid.

However, I do notice that KHTML does render faster. Konqueror runs nice and fast on this system. Now if only it had some sort of pop-up blocking, that would do it for me :)
I have not had any problems, though I mostly use Camino now. Do you use any plug-ins? Perhaps one of those is causing your difficulties.
I dont run plugins except for Flash, which def. sucks on firefox. But simple things like posting entries on my site in Movable Type froze FF today. Not Clutch.
Have you cleared all your caches recently? I usually do a "Clear All" (Wipes EVERYTHING from your browser including stored passwords, caches, etc.) to clean things up.
I have been running it all day on 3 powerbooks with NO problems at all. Speed is greater than all others (including camino, which has "some" compatibility issues - firefox only 2 sites have been a problem so far)..... not sure except cache issues could be a problem. You would not notice them with another browser because the cache is in a different place, and managed seperately.
I've got Firefox on Mac & PC. I have to use it on the PC, as I refuse to use anything Microsoft, but the Mac version doesn't get used very often. Why? Well THE best browser there is on ANY platform IMHO is good ol' Safari.

On the odd occasion that I have used Firefox on the Mac, I have to agree – it sucks the BIG one!

I had Firefox freeze on my Mac, although not as frequently. Safari is my default browser, hands down.
I have read something about optimizing Firefox. The instruction below would speed up Firefox dramaticly. I know it works on Windows, but i haven't tried it on a Mac.

1. go to: "about:config"
2. click on browser.tabs.showsinglewindowmodeprefs (change value to "true")
3. double-click on network.http.pipelining (changes to "true") and network.http.pipelining.maxrequests and change the values from 4 to 100.

That's it. I can't see a speed-improvement because i never use Firefox..
I've used Netscape 7.1 and 7.2 w/out a hiccup for 3 years now. You had to get extra bits and pieces for 7.1 to work on some sites, but 7.2 has them as standard.
Firefox still doesn't support middle buttons in mice, anyone know how to get this feature?
I tested it and it seems to speed things up for me but it could be a placebo effect. I don't use FireFox enough to be sure. (Mostly I use it for banking.)

I would like to know how to get the middle button to work as well. I use it to open new links in tabs on Windows and Linux and find it annoying that this feature apears to be missing on the Mac.
I gave up with FireFox on the Mac (still use it on the PC).

It was slow and buggy, but the thing that annoyed me most of all was it's lack of any kind of support for standard (or non-standard) keyboard shortcuts whilst editing text (in text fields or areas on forms, or in the URL). It drove me nuts.

I now have Camino, which is much nicer (and very fast), but I miss my FireFox extensions.
senne said:
Is anyone testing the "hack" that I've posted above?

I used that hack after reading the same article.

During online banking sessions, i have been getting a pop-up box that reads: Redirection limit for this URL exceeded - Unable to load the requested page.

The banking session still works, but that popup is a PITA!!!!!

I was wondering why i was getting that popup - after reading
this thread and remembering that i did the hack, i think i now know the cause! :D
On a similar topic: i quit using Camino for several months because
it crashed too damn much - i have beeen using it again for about two months, and damn is it fasssssssst!