Anything else needed for wireless setup?


Do I need anything else to set up my wireless connection besides Airport Express, Comcast RCA Cable Modem, my brand new pc (Windows XP Pro) and MacBook? Do I need wireless card in my computer? I know my MacBook has one. Do I also need a router?

Apologies if this is too easy for anyone else. I've used a DSL router in the past but it no longer works since I've switched to cable. I already own an Airport Express.

Well one thing you need to know is if on a cable modem you have to add new equipment just after the modem you have restart the cable modem (leaving it of a couple of minutes). This has to be done for the new device to be recognized by the ISP (get a new IP).

Now it would be easier if you get you windows machine a USB wireless adapter (like this) and the when you get the Airport Express run it a a router (share an IP in the Airport software (/Applications/Utilities/Airport Utility) ) and then both computers and use it wirelessly.
For sure you're going to need a router. I would suggest using an ethernet cable to the desktop. All the routers I've seen have 4 ethernet output ports. With what you have plus a router and whatever length of ethernet cable you need (depending on where you place the router in relationship to your desktop). Probably a 6' cable will do fine.