Apple Airport Trouble with Belkin Card in PC


Please provide some creative help. Our Apple Airport router has worked great for over a year tied into the Motorola cable modem provided by Time Warner. However, during a storm everything went offline. I followed directions to reset the Motorola and the Airport (took 2 days to figure out letting it sit for a while to fully "repair"--thanks online forums for that tip) and now my daughters who have MacBooks are connecting just fine as is my husband's PC! However, I cannot get my Dell laptop with Belkin wireless card to connect wirelessly. I've exhausted every resource I know including using RoadRunners (Time Warner's) medic to renew an IP address and disable and re-enable the wireless card. System checks tell me the wireless card is working fine, I am getting a strong wireless signal on my laptop, everyone else is connected, but I'm dead in the water unless I have this crazy ethernet cord strung across my family room directly connected to the Airport. Does anyone have any ideas about a setting I'm failing to correct (or might have messed up during this process) that could be holding me up. The week without wireless has been painful!!
Does your Airport Extreme have security on it? If so what version of security (WEP, WPA, etc.) is it set for? Lastly is this a N capable Airport Extreme? If so does the PC use the N wireless or just the G or B wireless?
It does have security and I have entered the correct security code in every place possible.
I honestly do not know the answer to your questions about the "letters" -- all I know is that this was working just fine with no issues for well over a year. I am experiencing a myriad of other problems with the laptop based on what I perceive is a script issue received from an Adobe Acrobat update download a while back (more research enlightened me on that since I keep getting the same error message) and am also receiving regular messages about lack of virtual memory. Bottom line, I think the laptop is on it's way out so I'm now using an older one of my husband's. Just a pain to transfer all those accumulated files--thank goodness for a large external hard drive for backup!
Thanks for trying to help.