Apple Announces MacBook Pro

yes. ... hm. doesn't exactly answer my questions, but I guess we'll hear more about them sooner or later. :)
MacBook Pro

I think that name sucks... pretty bad. I'm not alone either.. most people I've spoken to think it bites.

Powerbook was a great name.. why'd they have to ruin it ?


the features look nice and I dig the darker color.

I wonder how much faster it really is.
What exactly do you mean? I think they should've used the best available processor (2.16 GHz Yonah instead of 1.83 GHz Yonah), but otherwise...

TheRegister thinks Apple's intel computers should be lower-priced, because they now use intel processors. However: I just tried to configure a Dell notebook until it matched the 1999 USD model, and it came out at 2014 USD or something (with a lesser graphics card and an older processor, too..., because neither Yonah processors nor newer graphics cards were available at, so I'd say Apple's got the pricing right.
djbeta said:
MacBook Pro

I think that name sucks... pretty bad. I'm not alone either.. most people I've spoken to think it bites.

Powerbook was a great name.. why'd they have to ruin it ?


the features look nice and I dig the darker color.

I wonder how much faster it really is.
Steve said it himself: they want to get away from the term "Power" because they're moving away from PowerPC, and they also want to get the word "Mac" into their product names too.

I wonder what they'll call the Intel Power Macs? Also, anyone want to bet the iBooks will be renamed to MacBooks? :D
PowerBook -> MacBook Pro
iMac -> iMac
Mac mini -> Mac mini
iBook -> MacBook (just without the Pro tag)
PowerMac -> Mac Pro
Xserve -> Xserve. (I know, doesn't contain "Mac", but it's a server. I don't think they need the "Mac" in that...)
Btw.: Those who said things like "a Mac with an intel processor will merely be a PC from Apple"... Do they still think like that? To me this new iMac and MacBook look pretty much like Macs. Not like Wintel PCs... ;)
fryke said:
Yep. FW400 still there, only FW800 gone.

Boy that's gotta hurt current PowerBook users that bought FW800 external drives for the performance. If they have to get rid of it, they should wait until there's something better.
djbeta said:
MacBook Pro

I think that name sucks... pretty bad. I'm not alone either.. most people I've spoken to think it bites.

Powerbook was a great name.. why'd they have to ruin it ?


the features look nice and I dig the darker color.

I wonder how much faster it really is.

I don't like the new name either, I suppose it's to differentitate between Intel and PPC.
fryke said:
What exactly do you mean? I think they should've used the best available processor (2.16 GHz Yonah instead of 1.83 GHz Yonah), but otherwise...

TheRegister thinks Apple's intel computers should be lower-priced, because they now use intel processors. However: I just tried to configure a Dell notebook until it matched the 1999 USD model, and it came out at 2014 USD or something (with a lesser graphics card and an older processor, too..., because neither Yonah processors nor newer graphics cards were available at, so I'd say Apple's got the pricing right.
Probably saving it for the 17" or perhaps a 20" MacBook Pro.
That's what I fear: Apple continuing their strange policy of exclusive choices... Why oh why can't I choose

1) 15" and pay a price for the form factor/screen as well as integrated features
2) processor and pay for it
3) rest of the features...

I mean: Would it _really_ hurt them to sell me the MacBook I really _want_? ;)

(Personally for me, that'd be the 10" widescreen core duo ULV ~1.6 GHz.) ;)
I thought i was great. only thing I was disappointed was no Mac Mini. I intended to buy one to replace my VCR. I've been holding off buying a DVD/HDD recorder ont he assumption that mac mini will come out with Front Row.

ah well, I can wait another few months.

EDIT: Oh, wand what was with iWork? That was just embarassingly crap! Nothing worth upgrading for at all!
Still no right mouse button???? Grrrrr....!!!!

They should have stuck with the name "PowerBook" the new name sounds confusing.

Everything else on it looks Good!!!!
jprupas said:
Still no right mouse button???? Grrrrr....!!!!

They should have stuck with the name "PowerBook" the new name sounds confusing.

Everything else on it looks Good!!!!

iBook & iBook Pro wouldn't of been so bad.
I think iBook pro would also have been confusing, because the 'i' is appended to all consumer-grade products, not pro hardware.

am i the only one left in the world who likes the 1-mouse button thing?
I like it but most people don't understand how to use the command key. Especially people who come from windows. My parents both have Ibooks and have had Macs their whole life. They honestly don't understand/remember how to use the command key to show more options. For power users I think the one-click is fine, but for the masses the right click should be there.
Yea true. I guess what they really should do is have the single button ont he MacBook detect which side was pressed - left or right - and act accordingly. However, it should be set to 1 button by default (much like the mighty Mouse, which can look and act like a 1 button if you want it to)
I'm kind of split on the new one...definitely don't like the loss of a FW port, PC slot (what's the status on selection of ExpressCards...haven't seen any myself), lack of s-video, etc. Their refusal to provide even a ballpark estimate on battery life (it has a bigger battery than the 15" HD G4 did) also worries me a bit. The change in screen aspect is a bit of an annoyance...I love the 3:2 aspect of the current 15" G4...though at least it went wider than shorter. Adding a web-cam is a novel idea, but the added bezel caused by this is ugly and annoying to it's not really worth it in my opinion.

On the plus's got a heck of a graphics card built in via PCI-Express...that's nice. From the tests I've seen (not Mac) of the new processor, it's fast...very fast. That's always a good thing. Being thinner is also a nice thing IMO. The power-adapter is a great idea...long overdue.

After thinking about it for a while, I'm glad I bought my 15" PB before I had to make a decision on buying a PowerBook or MacBook Pro. I'm at 36 days now, so luckily I'm stuck with the PB (probably for the best).

Does make you wonder what they'll do with the iBook...probably single core versions, but will they be at the same frequency or lower...something to ponder.