Apple buying SUN

Humour thought.

Sun shine on Apple trees make them grow better... hmmm....
I hope so. If they really do merge.

Like SGI, Apple might want to have a larger pie of the military industry and the only true passage they have is NASA. Maybe Apple wants to get into the DoD tenders? Sun has had a good foothold in the military industries, so this might be what Uncle Jobs wanted.
Problem with Sun is they don't own or do anything useful |-p

BTW Java sucks! I hate the language, the API, and the platform. What was going through Apple's head when they tried to improve Swing is beyond me.
I don't think either should buy either. But, I think that Darwin could learn a lot from Solaris, and CDE (puke) could learn a lot from Aqua. Sun's moving to GNOME is a really good step, though. Even though they're expensive, I think that SPARC might be a nice processor for Apple to think about for the future.
Originally posted by AppMan
I got a good idea. How about Apple take a portion of that 6.25 billion dollars and send all their customers a two button mouse!


This is the best!!!
Ha ha ha... the industrial design dept has been fighting with Uncle Jobs over this for the longest time. One button mouse wins, because kids and old folks will not be confused.

For the more "advanced" users, we will have to go get a two-three-four-five button mouse from the other vendors, like MS, Logitech (spit!) or Kensington (hurray!).

Like Metallica sings : "You know its sad but true..."
honestly, i think that computers and 2 button mice have been around long enough to negate the idea that people would be confused. maybe i'm wrong?
The Apple industrial designers probably feel two buttons will distrub the clean lines of the current mouse - and don't even mention a scroll wheel!
One mouse button is terrible. Six year olds can work arcade games but Apple thinks I can't handle three buttons?

Lots of people suggest that I buy an aftermarket mouse. Those people don't realize that I'm relaxing on my couch using a notebook with a wireless ethernet connection.
Originally posted by vanguard
One mouse button is terrible. Six year olds can work arcade games but Apple thinks I can't handle three buttons?

Lots of people suggest that I buy an aftermarket mouse. Those people don't realize that I'm relaxing on my couch using a notebook with a wireless ethernet connection.

And there's the problem. I can't always have an external mouse when using a laptop, so I need to be happy with the internal device.
Originally posted by hazmat
And there's the problem. I can't always have an external mouse when using a laptop, so I need to be happy with the internal device.

Have you tried QuicKeys along with full keyboard access in 10.2?
I like the fact that Mac apps only require one button even though I use a four button mouse. Compare that with UNIX apps which require a three button mouse or many Windows apps which require two button mice.

The UNIX three button requirement is really stupid. The rationale is you don't have to use the keyboard to cut+paste, but since drag+drop text you can do the same with one button, only better. Well, at least when using Carbon apps.*

Some Windows apps require two buttons like S-Plus. They have some complicated mouse gestures which have no equivalents in menus or whatever. Goes to show the foresight of Apple's human interface guidelines when insisting on all commands being available within (but not eclusive to) the global menu hierarchy. It may be inefficient but at least you can get there with a simple linear set of directions and then you can use a more efficient mouse gesture later. Just goes to show why I hate Windows apps more than Windows itself.

* Cocoa's NSLayoutManager has a really stupid behavior whereby there is a delay when trying to drag+drop text. It makes the behavior absolutely useless and also makes it impossible to use the delay-click for another behavior like a contextual menu popup. C'mon you former NeXT programmers at Apple, either Drag+drop text is enabled or disabled, the delay is INSANE!!!
Which UNIX requires a 3-button mouse? I know UNIX workstations tend to come with them, but I never saw it required. Not saying I'm right, though. We have some Solaris Intel servers at work. They are running on these massive Compaq servers, which have 2-button mice. Linux can also run with 2-button mice. you can emulate the third button if you want with both buttons.
/me looks at the Kensington Trackball with many many buttons and giggle... guess we need more buttons for shortcuts... and make our lives easier.


We are intelligent Mac users....

/me remembers the survey conducted by CNN which shows that most Mac users are more intelligent... LOL... :P


(but I kinda believe, reading all the posts in this board).

I became more stupid after I bought the AMD system. :cry:
I've been using different flavors of unix for 7 years and I've never seen a 3 button mouse requirement. Really, the middle mouse button just makes it easier.

I wouldn't doubt that some windows apps require two buttons but for every function I can think of, it just makes it easier.

Most mac apps would benefit from a second (or third) button. Also, most mac apps already work with one. The fact that most apps are prepared to work with a second (or third) button proves that Apple was shortsighted when they developed their guidelines.

Strobe didn't say that the OS required a 3-button mouse, but rather that some apps did. In fact, the whole complaint of the post was directed towards apps. Vanguard – I am pretty sure theGIMP requires a 3-button mouse, as do many UNIX apps.
Can someone from Apple Industrial Design department please acknowledge that YOU have read this thread? Before we start protesting at Infinity Loop. :D
Originally posted by plastic
Can someone from Apple Industrial Design department please acknowledge that YOU have read this thread? Before we start protesting at Infinity Loop. :D

I just recieved this direct notification from Apple's mouse design department!

"I'm going to tell you and your khaki wearing friends this once and only once. My work is my ART and as such you do not use it, you must *interpret* it. The one button mouse is part of my latest series of work where I am exploring minimalism in the post post-modernist era, but it is also influenced by something of a recent epiphany I experienced regarding my abusive transvestite step father. As such, I think I was quite successful in juxtaposing our cultures struggle with rampant consumerism and the tragic denial of personal expression in a monolithic society. If all you Mac buyers were capable of acknowledging your pop-culture based brainwashing and take a moment to really *experience* the deeper meaning of the one button mouse, you might realize that I have personally created a new paradigm where form and function transcend the banal."
Originally posted by strobe
I like the fact that Mac apps only require one button even though I use a four button mouse. Compare that with UNIX apps which require a three button mouse or many Windows apps which require two button mice.

The UNIX three button requirement is really stupid. The rationale is you don't have to use the keyboard to cut+paste, but since drag+drop text you can do the same with one button, only better. Well, at least when using Carbon apps.*

Using only one button for many apps gets insanely limiting when you run into complicated apps. My right button makes photoshop a dream compared to running it with the single button. Maya (as well as many other 3d apps) make great use of all three buttons. In fact within maya there are many times when you have to use more than one mouse button in an operation.
I require a two button mouse at the very least. Thinking about doing with less, within my computing environment, is absurd.
Originally posted by strobe

The UNIX three button requirement is really stupid. The rationale is you don't have to use the keyboard to cut+paste, but since drag+drop text you can do the same with one button, only better. Well, at least when using Carbon apps.*

I know we've gone over the fact that Unix doesn't need a third button, but one thing about the drag and drop is that you have to have the target window visible. So if it's not, you have to go positioning windows, then do it. With the 3-button mouse, it doesn't matter where the target window it, or if it's even open. Much faster and more effient I think.