Apple Can KISS MY ......!

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Originally posted by twister
I mean this in a nice way. Why don't you do a little research on and see what's up over there.

Twister, I don't know when the last time you checked that site out was, but there's not much up over there right now.

Also, Apple's web site does say "The New iMacs." Considering how new everyone thinks they are, zippy's kinda got half a point. His technique, of course, was a bad approach.

I still like the Mastercard analogy.
mr munchy - aka cokeymon - themacko has chosen to allow you to have one last chance here. i suggest you use it wisely if you really wish to be a part of this community and not waste your posts to air your grievences with the judgements of your past dubious behaviors. other wise you know what will happen. :D
Originally posted by edX
mr munchy - aka cokeymon - themacko has chosen to allow you to have one last chance here. i suggest you use it wisely if you really wish to be a part of this community and not waste your posts to air your grievences with the judgements of your past dubious behaviors. other wise you know what will happen. :D

You can't say fairer than that.

A familiar story for me I know, but this'll be the last Mr Munchy post... I think I'll set up a new ID without all the past baggage! And I promise, whatever it is, I'll be as good as gold.
Apple doesn't need this kind of blatant disrespect and baggage... but yes this is a democracy... but on the Internet... Where is the bill of democratic rights? Internet is free... therefore the First Amendement of the USA does not truly count or does it? hmmm good debate there...

I for one support Apple... Long live it.

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