Apple exec: No G5 Powerbooks coming soon

MacOSRumors isn't exactly the most reliable rumor-site, but since the introduction of G4 iBooks ... maybe not at MWSF, but maybe somewhere later next year ... who knows?
Originally posted by Cat
MacOSRumors isn't exactly the most reliable rumor-site

Who is!?! It's all a crap shoot. The only time you will EVER know if someone is right is when the event happens. If you are right before the event happens, you are taken down or asked to take it down.

But as I said, here's to HOPING! (Hint: hoping means it would be nice if it happens but knowing that there are many chances that it won't.) If you can't HOPE a RUMOR comes about then why have rumors and screw dreaming of the next cool Mac.
Remember the increased size requirements for the G5 case over the G4. Remember the heat sink for the G5 processors the size of the Sears Tower. Apple will need to find a way to fit all this into a 1" thick case before you see even an announcement of a G5 Powerbook.

Now, the G4 iBook is much more likely. Everything Apple offers is 1 Ghz or faster, and the iBook is the only G3-based computer left on the market, so I'm sure we'll see a new 4Book by MWSF.
Originally posted by arden
Remember the increased size requirements for the G5 case over the G4. Remember the heat sink for the G5 processors the size of the Sears Tower. Apple will need to find a way to fit all this into a 1" thick case before you see even an announcement of a G5 Powerbook.

Now, the G4 iBook is much more likely. Everything Apple offers is 1 Ghz or faster, and the iBook is the only G3-based computer left on the market, so I'm sure we'll see a new 4Book by MWSF.

The G5 dissipates less heat per performance than the G4. So although a G5 PowerBook would be perfectly possible with today's technology, it most likely isn't going to happen until summer 2004. I'd say August, at the same time when the G5 goes 3 Ghz.
There will be no G5 PB. There will be no 3 GHz. G5. G5 cant reach 3 GHz. Only 2.5 to 2.8G6 reaches 5 GHz :)
There will be a G7 PB tho...
I bet my life on all of this :P
Originally posted by UNIX X11
There will be no G5 PB. There will be no 3 GHz. G5. G5 cant reach 3 GHz. Only 2.5 to 2.8G6 reaches 5 GHz :)
There will be a G7 PB tho...
I bet my life on all of this :P

I've got my BB gun loaded already.
IBM is rumoured to bring a low-power G5 variant at a 90nm process in early 2004. Whether those chips will be ready for MWSF is quite unclear, however, they're clearly aimed at iMacs and PowerBooks, as well as probably at Xserves (1U).

My _guess_ is that Apple will announce the PowerBooks and iMacs at MWSF along with new PowerMacs at higher clock rates. I think the two-processor PowerBook idea is eaten...

Btw., ksv: The G5 dissipates more heat than the G4 at similar clock rates. But similar clock rates is not what we want to see, anyway... I don't want the first G5 PowerBook to be clocked below 1.5 GHz, or we'll soon enough hear the flamewars about PBs lagging too much behind intel's/AMDs chips.
It dissipates or creates less heat? Because either way, the fast 1.6+ Ghz G5 chips produce more heat than current G4 chips.
Originally posted by fryke
Btw., ksv: The G5 dissipates more heat than the G4 at similar clock rates. But similar clock rates is not what we want to see, anyway... I don't want the first G5 PowerBook to be clocked below 1.5 GHz, or we'll soon enough hear the flamewars about PBs lagging too much behind intel's/AMDs chips.

Show me the tech docs proving that ;)

Okay, we haven't got any exact numbers to rely on, but according to the estimates in the 2002 doc, a 1.4 GHz PPC970 would only consume a few, something like 5 watts more than a 1 GHz PPC7455. Just imagine how much heat the 1.42 GHz GHz dissipates, and I don't think the 1.33 GHz in the 17" pbooks are that much better.
According to some early IBM docs:

PPC970 Typical power dissipation (estiamated)
- 42 Watt @ 1.8 GHz, 1.3 V.
- 19 Watt @ 1.2 GHz, 1.1 V.

Motorola claimed ~8 Watt for the 7457/7447 @ 1GHz ...
The PPC7455 dissipates a typical 35.5 watt and max 50 watt at 1 GHz@1.85v. These processors were used in the first 1 GHz PowerBook, right? Although I believe they got those numbers down for the PowerBook version, they probably didn't even come close to the G5's specification.
Who doesn't? But the probability that they will have a G5 at MWSF is slim because they need to work on making the architecture cooler first.
arden said:
Who doesn't? But the probability that they will have a G5 at MWSF is slim because they need to work on making the architecture cooler first.

Who says they haven't been!?! They knew about the G5 for how long BEFORE they released it. Why couldn't they say "Think of both at the same time and make it happen". We know the PBs are always later than the towers. The possibilities are there. If Apple has the nards to release the 40G iPod 4 months after the 30G, they can release any of their other lines the same way.

Maybe they will have t come out with a 22 HD PB because of the cooling issue. :confused: :rolleyes:
Apple had to work out the cooling issues with the towers before they could even think about the Powerbooks. They had to fine-tune the design to get it working well in the G5's; they have undoubtedly started working on adding G5 chips to the Powerbooks, but I highly doubt they've already begun modeling them, much less testing them, which they'd be doing by now.