when you consider who it's really designed for.
Although I'm sure it looks sweet on the cinema display, I think the dock is really ideal for those who aren't power users. People who don't switch between apps in a matter of seconds.
Before OS X, trying to explain the idea of the finder and the application switcher (or even the finder menu) to my parents, well, it was difficult. Now they have no problem locating and launching any given application. The directory structure of the Users folder is ideal for those that aren't as computer savvy. And after all, isn't that where Apple is going with the iMac, the iBook, the retail stores. They want to expose themselves to the general public. And show off the ease of use of OS X. It is easy to use the dock...but I agree, in situations where you have multiple apps running, particularly those whose alias doesn't already live in the dock, you often end up searching for your app.
I've been defending the dock since day one, but I realize it has usability issues when it comes to more advanced users and efficiency. It simply isn't. That's why we have such awesome third party developers. Has anyone used Wapp Pro? That's one of the most awesome third party little control panels ever! Something like that on OS X would be invaluable to those of us who need a more efficient means of switching apps.
I'm sure as the months go by we'll have several different choices in app navigation. We just have to be patient. Add-ons like ASM are making things a little easier. But for now, I'll just use the dock...it serves it's purpose for me at home...at least for now. At work, on occasion, when I have several apps running, it is a bit problematic, but I think the dock overall is a good move particularly for new users/children, etc. It really makes managing your apps a very simple, and cool looking process. Sure it has usability issues, but hey, at least it's not START menu