Apple Mail - Auto sort incoming mail?

blue gekko

I *heart* Mac

I'm using one email for various things at the moment, so I'm receiving emails from all over the place and having them land in my inbox.

I'd like, for example, "" to be sent to a new folder within my apple mail client called "fakefolder", and then "" to be sent to "realfolder" automatically?

Is this possible?
That's a fairly basic use for rules, so rules would be a good way to go with that.

Open Mail, go to the preferences, then the Rules tab. Add a rule that moves "" to the 'fakemail' folder.
Add another rule that moves other designated emails to your designated folders, etc, etc.
I think you would want to make sure those destination folders are already created (if they don't exist yet)
i prefer the microsoft outlook mail program (office 2011 bundle)
makes rule making very easy even for the most novice users.